Q. I am writing a melody using the B flat major scale (B flat, C, D, E flat, F, G, A). Which piano chords can I use to accompany the melody?
Thanks in advance.
A. Just use the I, IV, V & V7 chords together if in doubt.
These chords are:
I (Bb), IV ( Eb ), V (F), V7 (F7) - - - [ F,A,C, and added Eb]
------------ ------------- -------------- ------------- --------------
I hope this helps you out.
What does the sign Bb/A in piano chord music mean?
Q. I'm playing a song on the piano with chord signs. The song is In B flat and I came across this and I don't know what chord to play.
A. It's a B flat chord with an A in the bass (left hand). It's read B flat OVER A.
What do you call a dominant chord in a major key with the tonic as the root?
Q. I am doing a harmonic analysis for Beethoven's Piano sonata no. 8 movement 2 op. 13, particularly with the first 22 measures. In measure 8 there is a cadence that I must identify. I'm pretty sure it's an authentic cadence, (V-I), but for some reason there is a tonic in the bass? To elucidate: the chord has a D flat, E flat, B flat, G in the upper three voices, and the key is A flat major. So this is a V7 chord, but there is also an added A flat (tonic) as the bass voice. So how do I write out a V7 chord with a tonic in the bass?
A. Beethoven: Piano sonata no. 8 movement 2 op. 13
"The famous Adagio cantabile: first eight bars":
As you said, in measure 8 there is a A flat V7âI cadence,
where the added bass of the tonic is the lowest tone.
Cheers ebs
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Title : Which piano chords can I use with a B flat major scale melody?
Description : Q. I am writing a melody using the B flat major scale (B flat, C, D, E flat, F, G, A). Which piano chords can I use to accompany the melod...