Q. being able to know the chords to the piano can be figured out by learning right?
and having an okay voice can be changed to having a great voice right?
A. You can gain technique by training but not talent. Talent is innate.You must be born with it. You wont sing like Aretha Franklin if you weren't born with a voice like that. You can learn to use what you have to it's most optimum level but you can only go as far as your gifts allow. If you have an okay voice, you can have an okay voice that is better with more control, but not a great voice if you weren't born with it. Not everyone can be a ballerina. If you weren't born with the right kind of body, all the training in the world wont change things.
To be successful, you must have both talent and hard work. Without the talent, hard work will just get you so far and without the hard work talent will just get you so far. I have come across examples of both who have had only one not the other and neither were successful.
Suggestions for a new guitar piece?
Q. I would like to learn a easy-ish popular guitar piece to play for my boyfriend. I am technically a cellist, but I know the basic chords, music theory and such. any suggestions for a romantic but not corny song?
A. you know whats good to do.
write your own song. sounds funny i know. but sit down and take some cords you know, and play randomly until you like how it sounds. write them down so you dont forget (dont worry about neatness) and do another and keep going. after you have alot written down (this may take lots of time, months its self) mix them together. and then after you have something that sounds nice, you might change things up , write out the notes and cords, then go to this web site, and print out what you need. http://www.blanksheetmusic.net/
and write them it. and look you wrote a song.
this will help your playing skills more then actuly learnign a song. it teaches you how to listen and pick out good and bad sounding cords together. it will help your reading music abilty because your writting it from paper to staff paper. AND its your own creation, it something that wont become anything good with out all your own work. so you can tell your progress. and it will keep you determed on playing and going.
even if you dont want to be a music writter someday. THIS is something you should do. i promise if you try it and finish what you started youll enjoy your guitar skills much more then you did before. because youll need to dig deep and learn more then you ever could just printing out a song and reading it and playing it.
i do this with piano, guitar and drumming and im glad my teacher MADE me with piano because it helped me alot. and now i want to someday publish what i write. so you never no what will happen.
Best answer 10 points! Whats the best way to understand music theory and easy way?
Q. I'm taking a music theory class and I'm having a heard time understanding whats being taught. I play the piano mainly by ear. Use to take lessons, but I dont read music as well as I use to ever since my teacher left me. Is there any advice someone can give me learn music theory? I'm just not getting it.
A. Hey Josh R, click on mt avatar, add me as one of your contacts and then read all the answers I gave to others. I mainly answer questions on here about theory so there is a LOT there that will help you. Here are the books you NEED to buy from a music shop:
MASTER YOUR THEORY by DULCIE HOLLAND books 1 2 and 3 (Dont bother with 4 5 etc, they go into writing for string sections etc) These books are workbooks. They explain everything first, then give you exercises and then some questions to answer. The important thing to remember with theory (Or MUSIC in general) is WE DONT GET THINGS WRONG!
Let me explain, at school, if you do a maths test and you get 8/10 they will mark you as 8/10 and leave it at that. As MUSICIANS we go BACK and STUDY those TWO things you got wrong and do it AGAIN and AGAIN until you get it right, until you know it and until you UNDERSTAND it. NEVER ever leave anything as UNKNOWN.
So musicians dont get things wrong doesnt mean you dont make mistakes, it just means you dont go any further until you get it right.
So with the workbooks, work in PENCIL. IF you get something wrong, RUB IT OUT and do it again until you DO get it right. I always find it best to photocopy the pages, then do the answers, that way you can use the same book over and over again. (The answers that you need will be on the first page instructions for each LESSON)
The book is set out in LESSONS. NEVER start LESSON TWO until everysingle answer in lesson one is CORRECT. You will NEED the information from lesson one to understand how to do lesson two.
You get it? If you were building a house of cards and one of the bottom cards wasnt lined up, the next level of cards WILL fall.
With music, if you CANT build a C scale, you cant work out the chord, or change it to a minor.
YOU should do this with your school work as well, just because the teachers are too lazy to finish their work doesnt mean you have to settle for 8/10!
Also, if you add me as a contact, I get an email of every music question you ask, so if you need to know ANYTHING, if youve added me as a contact, I'll be able to answer it. Otherwise I wont know the question is up here. (Also, I cant answer questions you leave on your questions AFTer you've best answered them. Add me as a contact)
This is for you. Theres not a lot of information here, its very basic but its all accurate
http://www.pianoinstructors.com/musicterms/term1.html (NO LESSONS here dude, just the dictionary to help you okay?)
All the best
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Title : Can people gain musical talent through hard work?
Description : Q. being able to know the chords to the piano can be figured out by learning right? and having an okay voice can be changed to having a gre...