Q. Em G B C are the guitar chords that i have. Can someone help me convert them to piano chords?
A. Whenever you play Em on the guitar, play Em on the piano. When you would play G on the guitar, play G on the piano. The notes are identical; the only difference is the way you hold your fingers to make the chords. There is nothing to convert.
This might help:
Which piano chords can I use with a B flat major scale melody?
Q. I am writing a melody using the B flat major scale (B flat, C, D, E flat, F, G, A). Which piano chords can I use to accompany the melody?
Thanks in advance.
A. Just use the I, IV, V & V7 chords together if in doubt.
These chords are:
I (Bb), IV ( Eb ), V (F), V7 (F7) - - - [ F,A,C, and added Eb]
------------ ------------- -------------- ------------- --------------
I hope this helps you out.
How to change a keyboard chord to piano?
Q. Hey! On the electronic keyboard, for example, the C major chord is : C - E - G, which is pressed all at the same time, now what i wanna ask you is, how to change the chord to a piano chord (piano chords are not all pressed at the same time), is there any formula or anything??
A. It is exactly the same. Yes, you do press them all at the same time. Playing a chord one note at a time is called a broken chord. Three or more notes played at the same time is a chord, regardless of the instrument.
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Title : How do you convert these guitar chords to piano chords...?
Description : Q. Em G B C are the guitar chords that i have. Can someone help me convert them to piano chords? A. Whenever you play Em on the guitar, pl...