Q. iv noticed its common to see the I7 chord of a certain key be followed by the IIIM7, e.g. Cmaj7-Ebmaj7. why does that work theoretically? Iv also noticed its pretty common to see two chords used where most of the chord tones are related by half steps like E min7-Ab min7... Why is it that these changes work out so well? Please help.
A. if you have two chords a tritone apart, you'll see alot of the halfstep and same-note voice leading. especially if you play like a C7 with root on bottom and 7th and 3rd on top(omitting the 5th), then just change the bottom note to F#. the 7th and 3rd of a C7 and F#7 are the same notes enharmonically flip flopped.
---also, if you are playing C7 to F7, all you have to do is go from c to f on the bottom and drop the upper two notes down a half step, because E and Bb are 3rd and 7th of C7, and Eb and A are the 7th and 3rd of F7. you can keep going up by perfect 4ths on the bottom and down by half steps on the top two notes.-----
alot of half steps work out that way.
your example of C maj 7 to Eb Maj 7 works out well, because, along with the roots of the chords, the e resolves down to Eb or up to F, the g stays the same, because its the 5th of C maj 7 and 3rd of Eb maj 7. the b resolves down to Bb. also, the 9th of C maj 7 stays the same, because it is also the 7th of Eb Maj 7. on the extenions, the 6th of C maj 7 is also the #11 (very pretty note) of the Eb maj 7 chord. a good piano voicing for this is: (C)-e-a-d-g-b, to (Eb)-f-g-Bb-d-g.
What are the jazz piano chords for "Body and Soul" by John Coltrane?
Q. I have looked around the internet and I can't find the chords. I was wondering if any of you were able to find them or figure them out by ear? If you know of a place where I could buy them that fine with me, too.
Here is the song: http://sites.google.com/site/filedownloadsherezip/download/02BodyAndSoul.m4a?attredirects=0
A. The figure for the intro, first three and a half bars of each A section, and bars 8 and 9 of each A (it is important to note that the arrangement has a double time feel, but the changes which would one bar in a standard rendition of "Body and Soul" are stretched over two bars in this arrangement) are a figure in which each bass note is Ab (pedal point) and each right hand voicing has a Gb, Bb, and F within a major seventh interval; the fourth voice walks down and chromatically between the Eb and C within this voicing. The bridge begins not unlike the standard bridge, but in bar 4 the change is Csus9; in bars 5-8, the changes go through the "Giant Steps" cycle beginning on D (DMaj7/F7/] BbMaj7/Db7/]GbMaj7///]////]). Bars 9-11 again go back to the standard changes, but bar 12 has an Eb9sus which sets up the "Giant Steps" cycle in Ab for bars 13-14: AbMaj7/B7/] EMaj7/G7/, then it reverts to the standard changes in bars 15-16 of the bridge.
Please help me analyze the Chords involved in this Jazz Lick?
Q. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH IT ALL!. But @ 3:53 My instructor does a piano lick and i am trying to understand what chords he used and what the theory behind it is. I mean explain it in terms of Chords and the number system
A. Ab Ab/Eb F7 Bb7 Eb7 Ab
1 1 / 5 6 2 5 1
1 6 2 5 1 is just a simple rhythm changes progression. It's actually from the A section of the song. There are heaps of variations but a simple one goes
A) Ab Maj F7 Bb7 Eb7 Cm F7 Bbm Eb7 Ab7 Db D dim Cm F7 Bbm Eb7 :II
1 6 2 5 3 6 2 5 1 4 4 dim 3 6 2 5
B) C7 C7 F7 F7 Bb7 Bb7 Eb7 Eb7 (1 chord per bar here)
3 3 6 6 2 2 5 5
A) Ab Maj F7 Bb7 Eb7 Cm F7 Bbm Eb7 Ab7 Db Ddim Cm F7 Bb m Eb7
1 6 2 5 3 6 2 5 1 4 4 dim 3 6 2 5
"I Got Rhythm" is a song composed by George Gershwin with lyrics by Ira Gershwin and published in 1930, which became a jazz standard. Its chord progression, known as the "rhythm changes", is the foundation for many other popular jazz tunes
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Title : Can someone please explain to me why chords related by a minor third or half steps sound good?
Description : Q. iv noticed its common to see the I7 chord of a certain key be followed by the IIIM7, e.g. Cmaj7-Ebmaj7. why does that work theoreticall...