Q. Ok, I'm learning how to play the keyboard piano (by myself) right now, and I'm playing Ode to Joy. Well, above some of the notes, there are capital notes right above them.
For example:
The first note (E) has a C above that. Does that mean I play C and E at the same time, or play E then C?
A. The note is a chord, so for example if you've got lyrics with letters written above them, then playing the chord of the letter provides piano accompaniment to the song :)
So feel free to ignore those letters and stick with the notes, but if you don't have anything to play in the left hand, then you could add in a C chord (C, E, G) underneath the E that you're playing for the melody...
Hope this helps!
How to change a keyboard chord to piano?
Q. Hey! On the electronic keyboard, for example, the C major chord is : C - E - G, which is pressed all at the same time, now what i wanna ask you is, how to change the chord to a piano chord (piano chords are not all pressed at the same time), is there any formula or anything??
A. It is exactly the same. Yes, you do press them all at the same time. Playing a chord one note at a time is called a broken chord. Three or more notes played at the same time is a chord, regardless of the instrument.
What are the notes/ fingerings for these arpeggios on piano?
Q. What are the notes for C major C minor G major F major A minor D minor? Please help by telling me the notes or directing me to a website about piano chords, arpeggios or broken chords.
A. Arpeggios , as I'm sure you know are the notes of a chord played consecutively rather than together. So for C major you would play (going up the scale)
C E G C,
then back down the scale.
C minor
C Dsharp F
G major
F major
A minor
D minor
The fingerings for arpeggios are (right hand) thumb, 3rd finger, little finger 3rd finger, thumb.
or thumb, 3rd finger, thumb little finger, thumb, 3rd finger thumb.
Here are some useful sites (be sure to look at other pages than the ones directly linked.)
and for some fun
Happy playing.
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Title : What does a letter above a musical note for the keyboard piano mean?
Description : Q. Ok, I'm learning how to play the keyboard piano (by myself) right now, and I'm playing Ode to Joy. Well, above some of the notes...