Q. I know that this question was asked before, but I never really saw a satisfactory answer.
I was wondering, how does a male (20 years old) go about expanding his vocal range so that he can hit higher notes without going into falsetto AND expand the falsetto range, both higher and lower.
Now, with that being said, how can one accomplish that WITHOUT : Going to a coach, having to pay for a CD, having to pay for a BOOK, or anything that involves money.
I dont know what it means when people say practice 'scales', what are scales? Where can they be found and hear? and how does that even make your voice expand? Becuase I think i heard a few scales, and they are like, in the mid range, and i dont see how practicing mid range stuff can help your upper range.
Also, for hypothetical purposes, lets suppose that I have PERfect breathing and posture.
Please do not say " go to an instructor, it's the only way" because i KNOw there are other ways because htere exists books on this.
A. First off, use a piano, and find out your lowest cold note. Don't stretch, warmup, or anything, just blow it deep as you can. Then:
The best way to stretch down low is to do drop-down scales, where let's say you start at an A scale, and go:
A G F# E D# C# B A
Then drop down to Ab scale, and go:
Ab G F Eb Db C Bb Ab
Follow along on the piano to make it feel better, and sound right. Work your way all the way down, and find your warm-bottom note. This will be the note you can hit with some warm up, but not a whole stretch.
Then, for your deepest of the deep, get in the shower in the morning/evening, and point the warm/hot-as-you-can-stand water at your vocal chords to get them loose. After that, give your hot-bottom note.
**Ignore the next paragraph if you breathing/posture are perfect**
What will help you get more strength in these low notes is to point your chin against the top of your ribcage (stretch the length of the pipes,) sing from your upper chest, not your head, and practice every single day. Also, sing in the morning, when your chords are rested, and NEVER strain yourself, don't push your limit.
**Resume on the next paragraph if you breathing/posture are perfect**
My cold low note is a C2, which means that, below middle C on the piano, I can hit the C two octaves below. My warm low note is a B3, and my hot low note is between A3 and Bb3.
Starting from the middle C, examples of lowest notes would be this:
B0 (Down half a tone... The first B from middle C)
Db0 (12 half tones from middle C)
C1 (one whole octave from middle C) [The first C from middle C)
G2 (one whole octave plus a perfect forth from middle C) [The second G from middle C]
C2 (two whole octaves from middle C) [The second C from middle C]
Best of luck, if you have any questions whatsoever, vote me best answer, and put them in the user response box, and I'll be happy to email you for more assistance,
How much is a metronome (automatic drum machine) cost???
Q. I want one hopefully at a cheap price that I can afford please say if you are American so I can work out the price difference thanx guys. I need it for my guitar.
A. I am a musician and I highly recommend the Zoom and Digitech product lines. Everything I have purchased from them has exeeded my expectations .(10 Track Digital Recorder, Portable MP3 Recorder, Effects Studio, Guitar Effects Pedal). Here is what I think you are looking for. It will offer you a wide range of guitar effects as well as a drum machine for only $50! Good luck!!
Just click here:
This is the pedal I have and highly recommend:
I do not have this one, but I'm sure it will work for you also:
THE ULTIMATE DRUM MACHINE: If you don't mind using Ebay, I would highly recommend that you get this drum machine: http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&_trksid=m37&satitle=boss+dr5&category0=
I paid $400 for mine (new) so these are excellent deals! This machine allows you to program your own drum patterns and tweak every aspect of your drum sound from panning to pitching even the cymbals! You can even plug your guitar into it and it will trigger any sound from the built-in sound module from pianos and synths to orchestral sounds. For example, you could play a lead guitar solo thru it and hear a violin instead of your guitar - or even mix the two together! (This will only work for single notes; not chords). I have used this unit for years and I highly recommend it. You can produce virtually any drum sound you need with this. And creating songs on it is a sinch. It stores all your songs (drum patterns) right in the unit. There is one sound that just blew my socks off and it is the reason I bought the unit. The acoustic steel string guitar is the most realistic I've ever heard. It's phenomenal! I played it for a guy who owns a recording studio and he got mad! He said, "Do you know how hard I work to get a sound like that in my studio?"
Short Bach piece in Em?
Q. When I was a kid taking piano lessons, I learned a short Bach piece. It was (I think) an invention in E minor that was in 6/8 (maybe 3/4?). It wasn't one of the standard inventions BWV 772-786, although it's structure reminds me of Invention No. 13 in Am.
The start of it is the left hand playing an Em chord, and the right hand plays the following:
E2 G2 B2 E3 B2 C3 A2 F#2 A2 D#2 B2 G2 E2 (drop that into something like MelodyCatcher.com to hear it). Then the right hand switches to chords with the left hand repeating what the right hand just played in a lower octave.
I've tried searching for this by all kinds of online melody search tools, and can't seem to find a good match.
Any takers?
A. Bouree in em??
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Title : How can one expand their vocal range?
Description : Q. I know that this question was asked before, but I never really saw a satisfactory answer. I was wondering, how does a male (20 years old...