Q. From what I know I'm a good singer (i think.)
I'm 16 years old and i'm a female.
I always wanting singing lessons but could never afford them.
So when I want to public school, my choir teacher gave me singing lessons, and I was one of the head students of choir, alot of people say I have a good voice but idk.
What can I do to strengthen my voice and make it even better?
I like singing songs that are by people like miranda lambert and carrie underwood and the band perry, or it doesnt have to be country, just their types of voices,... do you have any other ideas for songs?
can you give me any advice on being a super good singer. ;)
(and no, i do not want to make a career out of it)
is it hard to teach yourself to play acoustic.
is there any good sites to teaach me for free.?
Its definately not hard to learn to sing. (: you learn pronunciation warm ups, which you can look up online, and you learn to sing from your diaphram, which teaches you the correct way to breathe. and itll help you to just look it up on youtube.
A. Learn your vocal range. This is essential, as singing pieces written for the wrong range may strain your voice. The tone of your voice is much more important than range. People will love or hate your voice based on its sound character, not how many notes you can hit. Never sacrifice tone for range Your range can change over time and with maturity and training but vocal chords can not learn to physically change. Correct your posture. Stand tall with one foot slightly in front of the other one, feet shoulder width apart. This allows you to breathe easily and to allow maximum lung capacity to allow better notes and phrases. Stand up straight, shoulders back and down, floating over your torso. Make sure that your chest is high to give room for your lungs to expand and contract. Relax your jaw, relax your face. Breathe properly. The voice is best described as a wind instrument, because breathing is 80% of singing and proper singing begins and ends with proper breathing.
Get to know your singing tools so that you are more familiar with how everything is supposed to move and feel. Touch the top of your collar bone. About a half of an inch below your finger is the top of your lungs. Find your nipple line. This is the place where your lungs expand the largest.
Find your ribs. Your ribs move like bucket handles attached to your spine and your sternum. When you breath in, they move upward and make your chest expand, when you breathe out, they move downward and your chest decreases. Find the place right below your sternum where your rib cages meet. This is the bottom of your lungs and the housing of your diaphragm. The reason your stomach may pooch out when you breathe deeply is because your diaphragm is pushing down on everything below your rib cage, not because your lungs are in your stomach. Develop and show your confidence. Do not care what people think, just keep practicing and you will gain confidence. Make sure that you are ready to sing. Always warm up before you begin singing or doing practice exercises. You should always warm your voice up in this pattern: middle range, low range, then high range, then back to middle. You should spend at least 10 minutes on each range and do not stress your voice if you're frustrated and cannot hit a note. Warm back down or up to your comfortable range and then try again, carefully. Other things to practice:
Dynamics - Sing a comfortable pitch and start very softly, crescendo to loud then decrescendo back to soft. Do this with many different vowels and pitches. Dynamics are variations the intensity of your resonance. Even the simplest use of dynamics will make your songs come alive, and the more you practice, the louder and softer you'll be able to sing healthily. When reading music, from quietest to loudest, dynamics marks are as follows: pp (pianissimo, very quiet), p (piano, quiet), mp (mezzo piano, medium quiet), mf (mezzo forte, medium loud), f (forte, loud), ff (fortissimo, very loud). When you start out you will probably only be able to sing from mp to mf, but your range will increase with practice.
Agility - Try singing from do toe singer will sustain the sol to do really fast back and forth, trying to hit all of the notes. Do this in increments of half steps on different syllables. This will help your voice become more flexible. Pronounce your vowels correctly. Words are truly nothing but a constant succession of vowels with consonants dropped in occasionally to create meaning. So practice all your vowels at every pitch (high, low and in between). In English there are very few pure vowels. Normally, we will encounter diphthongs which are two or more vowel sounds elided together. In classical singing, th note on the first vowel and then say the second on the way to the final consonant. In country, singers like to slide through the first vowel and elongate the second vowel on the sustained note. Where as: a classical signer would sing "Am[aaaaaaai]zing Gr[aaaaaai]ce" and a country singer would sing "Am[aiiiiiii]zing Gr[aiiiiii]ce". If you can, always sing the first vowel for as long as you can before letting the second vowel in. Here are some pure vowels to practice with: AH as in "father", EE as in "eat", IH as in "pin", EH as in "pet", OO as in "food", UH as in "under", EU as in "could", OH as in "home". Try singing all above of these vowels while maintaining your core sound which is the resonance in the mask of the face. You can do this in many ways. Some examples of singing exercises that use vowels are just singing "mee may maw mow moo" and fluctuating the voice as you go. This warms your voice up and gives you practice with singing vowels.
Practice scales.
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Title : All about singing... and other things . ;)?
Description : Q. From what I know I'm a good singer (i think.) I'm 16 years old and i'm a female. I always wanting singing lessons but could ...