Q. I'm not in any way an expert pianist and cannot pick out songs by ear. I mainly only know how to sight read sheet music and can remember chords.
What's the chord progression for Lupe Fiasco's Till I Get There off his newest album Lasers?
A. It seems to me that the 4 notes are: C, C sharp, B, B flat. However I'm probably most likely wrong. The chords were kinda hard to figure out. Here are the first chords in order. (Note that they're probably wrong but I tried to get it as close as possible). I'm going based off what I'm hearing because I don't have the notes. Hope I helped somehow. I'm sure someone will post the correct version on youtube soon.
1) C sharp, F, A flat (press all those three notes at once then go to number 2 and do the same in order)
2. C, F, A flat
3) B, D, F Sharp
4) B flat, C sharp, F sharp
How do you know what piano chords go together?
Q. I wanna write a song on piano, but I haven't really learned chords and stuff. I know a few chords but they don't sound like they go together to write a song. Could you guys give me some tips on writing songs?
A. I'm been composing for a LONG time so I can tell you where you need to start. I know exactly what your problem is and how to fix it. You need to practice remembering what chords are compatible to one another.
For example a D G (Bflat) chord is compatible with a G (Bflat) D chord.
Did you see how they contain the same notes but are arranged differently?
Look at a d minor scale:
D E F G A (Bflat) (Csharp) D
Any of those keys are acceptable for a d minor song. So if you used chords that are combinations of any of those keys, you can be 90% sure to be fail safe. That's a good place to start.
Now look at an a minor scale:
A B C D E F (Aflat) A
Play the following chords:
(A C E)
((Aflat) C E)
(F (A flat) C)
(E A C)
Those are all in the scale and you just created a tune to an a minor song
Recognizing what doesn't sound right is the beginning of learning what DOES sound right.
Experiment a little and find out what works what doesn't
Hope this helps
What is the chord sequence for Brian Cain's Butterfly Waltz?
Q. I love the piece and I can play a little piano. So far I have got F, A minor, B flat then C for 16 bars but I'm not sure about when it goes into the next section. Sheet music links would also be of use although I know enough of the melody so it would be a waste of time buying the music for it.
A. Let me Google that for you: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=brian+crain+butterfly+waltz+sheet+music
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Title : What are the piano chords in Till I Get There by Lupe Fiasco?
Description : Q. I'm not in any way an expert pianist and cannot pick out songs by ear. I mainly only know how to sight read sheet music and can reme...