Q. I am a keyboard player, intermediate level I suppose, I've learned mostly on my own (my only music classes involved very basic concepts like chords).
> I can play rather simple two-hand songs, for example To Zanarkand (Final Fantasy 10)
> I have a very good ear for notes when referenced to other notes (comparing them with notes I play on an instrument or to previous notes, good enough to write every instrument's tab in a song)
> Very good sense of note duration even with tricky notes like dotted notes, triplets, etc.
> I've actually gone ahead and composed music, out of ear mostly
But, I wish I could strengthen the following:
> Sheet music reading (everything I learn or compose is mostly out of ear, I can only descipher sheet music VERY slowly)
> Musical terminology
> Picking out the notes from the air (for example to hear a note and go "that's A" or "that's B sharp" without having to compare the note on an instrument)
Are there any recommended lesson books/methods, preferably in digital format (PDF or whatever an eReader supports) that could help me in the described areas? Thanks!
A. to get better at music reading, try just saying what notes they are, then when you can easily name the notes then try to play
Can someone recommend anime piano songs that meet the following standards?
Q. I need some "sort of easy" anime (doesn't have to be anime, just the style) piano songs that don't have a lot of chords, sharps/flats (maybe one or two), or pages. For example- like "Alone" Gensomaden Saiyuki, "Sadness and Sorrow" Naruto, and "Here to stay" Bleach. I like songs that were meant to be played on the piano.
I already go on those two sites, but thanks anyways!! :)
A. I don't play the piano but my younger sister does. I'll ask her for some recommendations. Here are some that she said you might like:
"Sango's Theme" from Inuyasha
"Futari No Inori" from Gakuen Alice
"Game Over" from Final Fantasy XII
"To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X
"Dearly Beloved" from Kingdom Hearts
"Thunder Plains" from Final Fantasy X
"For Fruits Basket" from Fruits Basket
You can find them in these websites:
- you might have to look around Yahoo! if they aren't in those websites
Enjoy! :)
sad anime songs to play on piano?
Q. I want to learn some new songs, but i only like to play sad pretty songs. If its an easy song thats a plus, because I'm not that good at playing piano x.x Please give me some suggestions!!
I learned:
Affections - inuyasha
sadness and sorrow - naruto
despair - naruto
to zanarkand - final fantasy x
dango - clannad
i'm currently trying to learn theme of sss - angel beats, but i want some more songs!!
A. Bink's Sake - One Piece (specifically the version below)
Sad Violin - Final Fantasy X
Mother Sea - One Piece
Aeris' Theme - Final Fantasy VII
Terra's Theme - Final Fantasy VI
Sky Chord - Bleach
Morning of Remembrance - Bleach (aka -------'s death)
My Most Precious Treasure - Angel Beats
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Title : Recommended books/methods for piano note-reading (and other areas)? Preferably digital format?
Description : Q. I am a keyboard player, intermediate level I suppose, I've learned mostly on my own (my only music classes involved very basic conce...