Q. please don't comment if you don't know about piano chords?
A. E major: E, G-sharp, B / minor E, G, B.
B major: B, D-sharp, F-sharp / minor B, D, F-sharp
add2 has nothing to do with classical theory or parlance. Sounds like you add the second scale degree within the key (major or minor) for the E chord, an F-sharp / the B chord, C-sharp.
You should be aware you are learning a limited theoretical terminology for one instrument or genre which is not universal to all musicians.
[ It is you, of course, who doesn't know about piano chords; that's why you're asking.... Just sayin'. ]
How long should I ideally learn piano chords before moving onto a different key?
Q. I started on the C chords and now I have to learn the Sharps. I don't feel I'm ready to learn these yet until the C chords are sunk well and truly in, That said I don't want to be learning each one for months at a time. I get it, I have to practice but as a rule, how long each day would you suggest a beginner learn his chords for?
A. The only rule is learn the chords until you know them. It might help to remember this:
All major chords are constructed this way: first play the note that is the name of the chord, then go up 4 half-steps (counting all notes, black and white) and play that note, then go up 3 half-steps and play that note. You can actually play the notes in any order and it is still the same chord; whether you play C, E, and G, or E, G, and C, or G, C, and E, it is still C chord, but to find the notes of a particular chord, start this way.
It should not take long to remember what C chord is.
What are the gothic music chords?
Q. Im really into all that dark, erie, gothic type music, but I cant find the chords to make my own gothic song. I play piano, so piano chords would be perfect. I dont know if its an e flat scale chord, or an a sharp or flat scale chord, so ya, if u could tell me that would be great. And if u know a video to help that would also be awesome. Thanks alot.
A. http://www.jguitar.com/scaledictionary.jsp
Check this out, perhaps try researching some bands you like and the scales they use. For example, as the D minor chord sounds very melancholy, look at scales in Dm and have fun with it.
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Title : what are the piano notes that make up the Eadd2 chord and also the Badd2 chord?
Description : Q. please don't comment if you don't know about piano chords? A. E major: E, G-sharp, B / minor E, G, B. B major: B, D-sharp, F-s...