Q. One of the notes in Jar of Hearts is Gm:
You lost the love I loved the most
Gm would be under ''most'', it goes Ab and then Gm under ''most''.
What would it sound like? Do I press all of the keys that create Gm at once or do it one at a time?
A. A Gm chord is G Bb D. You'd have to listen to the recording to hear whether to play the chord one note at a time or all at once.
Where can I find piano chords for Jar Of Hearts by Christina Perri?
A. Where can I find rock & pop questions asked in the rock & pop category?
piano chords to this song?
Q. Okay I'm looking for piano chords to jar of hearts and the artist posted them on her blog but I don't understand them so if anyone knows them or can figure out what the artist posted I'll leave the link to her post so yeah thanks
A. http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/c/christina_perri/jar_of_hearts_crd.htm
This website has the chords. For example it says Bm-which means a B minor chord ( b d f-sharp). If you do not know your chords you can look them up online, for example, http://www.piano-lessons-info.com/chart-of-piano-chords.html
Start out by playing the chords and putting the root (in the example of B minor chord, the root would be B) in the left hand. Then listen to the song and fill in some filler notes/rhythmic patterns from there. I hope some of this information is helpful.
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Title : How would you play Gm on the piano?
Description : Q. One of the notes in Jar of Hearts is Gm: You lost the love I loved the most Gm would be unde...