Q. I'm learning the last movement of the yellow river piano concerto( if you've never heard of it YouTube yellow river piano conceto 4th) and the gnomus from the pictures at an exhibition suite. Both are complicated pieces full of chords but I'm sure I have the technique to do it but how can I tackle these pieces? What kind of exercises can I do to help me play piano chords consecutively and cleanly?
A. Two words that always help-- HANDS SEPERATE! Practice your left hand alone, then your right hand alone. Continue until both hands are perfect. Then try hands together. I am a professional accomanist and I still do this. Trust me... It works!
What are your plans after High School?
Q. I am doing a project for my english class and I would like to know what are your plans after High School
A. Ah, I love these types of questions I found this and I'm so glad I did because I love answering these types of questions.
First off, thank you for making this question because these sorts of questions always seem to motivate me so much more after I've thought of all my possiblities. Well I will start with what I'm doing now, currently I'm a freshman in high school in Ohio hate the city, hate the school and the rude people in it, I'm counting the days until I'm gone for good. I'm doing pretty well in school I have all A's except for one....C :( it's in Algebra, it was never a good subject of mine. But if I work really hard I can pull it up to a B and I'll have an almost 4.0. I love to strive for an A+. I want one of those yellow honors chord things. I'm also going to be in A Capella Choir and I'm apart of the band. I think I'm a double threat don't you think? Lol. Sorry.
What I dream of doing after school is I want thing I want to go to college an out of state, I'm sorry but I'm getting so sick of Ohio I need to see something else Ohio is so boring and just plain sad I want to see other things. My dream college my absolute dream college is New York University I've dreamt of going to college in New York since I was such a young girl that's the whole reason I'm busting my butt in the first place. However, I have considered schools in California - maybe Florida. My last choice of colleges is somwhere in Ohio - if I'm stuck here I'm going to have a good cry with my mom.
I want to go to a school where they really focus on writing I'm a serious musician/writer. I've always wanted to be a singer since I was a small child but I'm putting that dream on hold and holding on to my bigger dream. To become a successful author. Writing has been a true passion of mine. Always loved to write ten page long stories in second and third grade I'm always having an idea for a story or book. Yes, I know becoming a successful author isn't easy it's such hard work but I'm willing to take all the critiscism (as long as it's constructive) as long as I achieve my goal. I will also study music since I play the flute, piccolo, fife, and sort of awesome at the piano.
Now combination of becoming an author is also trying to do graphic design seeing as I make avatars, wallpapers, signatures and such for people's Myspace and to decorate my book reports and essays I've become really interested in it. I just have to know the computer better. Lol.
My dream place to live in is actually in New York. I don't know why I just always grew fond of it I like it so much there's so much....action and such. I love how it seems so fast pace. I don't plan to have kids at all however maybe someday though the chances are slim to none. I can pretty much see that my career will be my baby. Marriage might be in the future, who knows.
As I get older I want to travel with my mother I want to move her to our homeland which is Munich, Germany. She misses Germany so much all her family is there. As long as we travel in other parts in Europe also.
So there's my lengthy plan - some parts still seem blurry and i know this seems long to you - I'm sorry for getting so carried away! Hopefully my dreams come true and whatever your dreams come I hope you achieve them. :)
i need the piano sheet music for yellow butterfly by meg and dia can anyone tell me or link me to a place to g?
Q. i have a really big contest/performance coming up. i need to write 3 originals and do a cover on any instrument and choose piano.ive written 2 and need to learn yellow butterfly and write my third song can anyone help me or write them for me. or at least give me ideas on my 3rd song
A. Chords to "Yellow Butterfly"(from www.meganddia.com)
B= B D F#
G= G B D
D= D F# A D
A= A C# E A
Play it around middle C on the piano.
Verse(He was five years old..):
Ref.(I can still hear that scream..):
(Where did you go?):
Chorus(Were the angels that lonely?):
On "Were the angels that lonely?" just keep playing those given notes with the right hand. With the left hand, play the same notes in broken chords at times and switch to B at the second time that you play D with your right hand.
(The pain hits me like gunshot..):
(And i'm trying my best to hurt me..):
(After 'cough it up, drink it up, drink it up'):
(So i had A coma..): B-G-D-A
(So i went to the doctor..) B-G-D-A
(But i saw you up there..): B-G-D-A
(I'll be just fine...up to the end):B-G-D-A
If you want to learn the Intro that Dia plays live then you just start with F# and make out whatever you hear.
With the left hand, you play the same pattern of BGDA
Also, there is a piano cover on YouTube and the guy who posted the video says he's giving out the sheet music.
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Title : Motivation for piano practice?
Description : Q. I'm learning the last movement of the yellow river piano concerto( if you've never heard of it YouTube yellow river piano concet...