Q. I have played flute for four years and piano for eight. I want to know how fast I could learn to play guitar.
A. Your biggest challenge is going to be to build up your callouses. Star out by playing about five minutes a stretch, two to three times a day, and build up your endurance over the space of about three months. When you get to the point where you can play for at least a half an hour, you should be well on your way to working on changing chords smoothly.
Remember, it isn't learning the chords that is the biggest challenge, it's learning to move from chord to chord smoothly. I start all of my students with the following chord:
E minor seven with a suspension
All you do is strum across the strings with your right hand while you leave your left hand off the guitar completely! E / B / G is the E minor - D is the seventh, and A is the suspension. If the A was above the D, it would be the eleventh, but since it's below the D (the seventh) it's a suspension - even though there is a third in the chord!
Next you learn the E minor with a Dominant 7th
Put your second or third finger on the second fret of the fifth string (A)
6/0 5/2 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0
Next you learn the E minor
Put your second and third finger on the second frets of the fourth and fifth strings
6/0 5/2 4/2 3/0 2/0 1/0
Next you learn the E major chord
Put your second and third finger on the second frets of the fourth and fifth strings, and lay your third finger right down, where it already is, on top of the first fret of the third string!
6/0 5/2 4/2 3/1 2/0 1/0
Next, you learn the A minor chord
Put your second and third fingers down on the second frets of the FOURTH AND THIRD STRINGS! then put your first finger right down where it is, over the first fret of the second string (You just moved all of your fingers over by one string?)
6/0 5/0 4/2 3/2 2/1 1/0
move around back and forth between the chords until you can make the transition smoothly. Then learn some variations:
E7 - 6/0 5/2 4/0 3/1 2/0 1/0
Amin7 - 6/0 5/0 4/2 3/0 2/1 1/0
A7 - 6/0 5/0 4/2 3/0 2/2 1/0
You have probably noticed that I haven't gone anywhere near the C major chord yet. I try not to show that chord to my students for at least a month, unless they beat it out of me (and some do!)
C - (Actually C/E) 6/0 5/3 4/2 3/0 2/1 1/0 (That's a C major chord with the third (E) in the Bass)
C - (Actually C/G) 6/3 5/3 4/2 3/0 2/1 1/0 (That's a C major chord with the fifth (G) in the bass - which sounds fuller but is harder to play) < You generally play it first finger - 2/1 second finger - 4/2 fourth finger - 5/3 third finger - 6/3 >
I play it 1 / 2/ 3 / 4 though because it makes it easier for me to slide around!
Anyway, that should get you started. Let me know if you need more. Give me a shout and I will be glad to send you anything you need.
How do I get better at Jazz Piano?
Q. I play alto in my school's Jazz Band, and I wanted to replace the senior piano player at my school. I've played classical piano on and off since I was 6, but never was to serious with it. My teacher is clueless about jazz, but i have previous chord knowledge from improving on sax. What could I do to help improve my transition into the jazz piano world, reading more complicated jazz rhythms, and comping chords?
A. PRACTICE! is the short answer. As with anything musical, and especially improvisatory and spontaneous music like jazz, developing to the point of sounding competent will take time and dedication and perseverance.
Transcription and listening is important. That's something you should be doing already for the saxophone. Pay attention to pianists on your favorite records, particularly how they comp behind others, since that will be your biggest job in a large jazz ensemble. Transcribe comping rhythms that are attractive to you as well as ones you hear often; even if you don't transcribe the exact voicing, you can still practice using the same rhythms over the changes to standards.
Practice comping in time with a metronome. If you can consistently and accurately play on a steady pulse, you can decidedly play around it. Set the metronome slower and slower while increasing the beats; for example, start with 120 bpm and play one chord every two metronome beats, then decrease it to around 85 and play on every beat, then set it around 50 bpm and treat each pulse as a full bar, playing four even notes between beats. Practice playing in this way to get your time rock solid.
If you are able to get together and play with the rest of the rhythm section from the band, I'd recommend doing so. Get together and play through standards. Work together on building a communication while playing behind (supporting) a horn soloist. Aebersold play alongs are also good for practicing comping "with a band" at home.
Another vital thing for jazz pianists is effective chord voicings. Check out Dan Haerle's book on voicings and work through his exercises. Phil DeGreg also has a really nice progressive (step-by-step) book that's great for getting good-sounding voicings under your fingers. I've studied both.
The only way to get better at reading rhythms is to do it. Sight-read through a hymnal, old songbook, whatever. If you can find piano charts for big band that only have rhythmic notation with chord symbols, those are great for practicing reading rhythm and chord progressions. Start slow and methodical; remember you are striving for accuracy, not speed. Eventually, you'll recognize rhythms from having read them so many times before, and it will come easier to you.
Above all, technique is king. If you don't know how to touch the instrument and can't get around it, all the internal theory and knowledge and tasty licks won't do you much good on the bandstand. Classical lessons aren't necessary, but they challenged me in ways that I wasn't challenged in jazz lessons. Consider taking lessons regularly (either classical or jazz or both, if you have the time).
Good luck!
How do you transition from D major (two sharps) to E flat major (three flats)?
Q. I'm playing piano for Easter Sunday morning at my church, and the director of our band would like me to transition between the songs during communion rather than stop the first and play the second. Is there a chord I can use to transition smoothly between the two? The songs are Soon (in D major, it's by Hillsong) and Be Forgiven ( I can't remember who this is by, it's from the Spirit and Song book 2). Thanks for your help!
A. Transitioning by a half step doesn't fit easily within a circle-of-5ths progression, but I think I have a solution. D could go to B-flat(7) by way of common-tone modulation (both chords contain D), which then resolves as a V(7)-I to E-flat. Mind your voice leading, and it should work.
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Title : How long will it take me to complete grade one guitar if I already play two inssturments very well?
Description : Q. I have played flute for four years and piano for eight. I want to know how fast I could learn to play guitar. A. Your biggest challenge...