Q. I need to learn how to play the piano using chord sheet music, not the regular sheet music. I already know how to play regular but I'm unsure of how to play when you get chords like: Am7, Gsus, G/B, or Fmaj9
How do you change from using regular notes to chord sheet music?
A. you just play the normal chords...like gmajor or minor to a minor 7th...go back and forth....just know all the chords and then you can switch back and forth.
Where can I find Ellie Goulding piano sheet music for Lights?
Q. Or does anyone have any inkling of the chords or notes at all for piano? Trying to figure this out, anything helps. Thxbitchez.
A. http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/e/ellie_goulding/lights_ver3_crd.htm
It works for piano too
instead of Dadd4 i use D
Am7 - C,E,A
How do i play these songs on teh piano?
Q. Ok, so i have lyrics to some church songs but on top of the lyrics there are some chords like "C" pr "Am" and stuff like that, i know those are chords..right? But how do i play them so the piano and the lyrics go together, and make a song? help please.
A. The easiest to find out which key to press is to measure the distance between the keys. I'll teach you the foundation so it will be easy for you.
Basic chords only consist of three keys. so for:
C - C, E, G (distance is 2 between C-E and 1½ between E-G) - assuming the distance between 1 key to its neighbour is ½ . It will be the same for all Major chord. G will be G B D , F will be F A C and so on. You will notice the distance will always be the same.
for Minor, its the opposite. 1½ and 2 . so for
Cm - C Eb G instead of C E G
Am - A C E instead of A C# E
just move your middle key down by ½.
if you see number 7 , as in Am7, you just need to add the fourth key at the end. Number 7 means the seventh note of a key - and that key is always ½ down of the key written.
So if you move down ½ from A, it will be G# . then just play A C E G
If it is Cm7 , it will be B = C E G B
Read slowly while putting it into practice straightaway and you will thank me for this :)
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Title : How do you play piano music off of chord sheets.?
Description : Q. I need to learn how to play the piano using chord sheet music, not the regular sheet music. I already know how to play regular but I...