Q. I need some free happy birthday piano sheet music, more on the advanced level.
not any of that easy stuff though. I want something that doesn't sound like any of that easy things out of a beginners book.
thank you !
A. Happy Birthday *is* an easy song. If you want an "advanced" version of it, you're gonna have to figure it out yourself. Try substituting nicer chords, or playing an interesting rhythm, or add a little solo section.
how do people figure out notes to a song?
Q. i see people on youtube that play songs on the piano, and say they don't have sheet music because they figured it out by ear. how do they do this?
A. The ability to play by ear is marked by both innate talent and good training. One does not need "perfect" (aka "absolute") or even "relative" pitch. You only need to know or learn how to match one note to another, then intervals, then chords.
Even as I do have relative pitch, I learned to do this with either a guitar or piano as a child, and just kept trying things until I got it right. This process can take years, but is well worth the effort because you will one day learn songs much faster than you ever thought possible.
One very simple test of your abilities is to note who is singing "in key" when a bunch of people gather to sing Happy Birthday. Those in key most likely possess either relative pitch or a well-developed ear. Those who cannot even come close we call "tone deaf" which is a poor definition in that those people do hear tones... they just can't mimic a tone in a song.
Then there are the savants who can hear a complex piano concerto just once and repeat it verbatim from memory. I would not even dream of explaining that!
These sites may be helpful for you:
or just Google "ear training."
Read about perfect/relative pitch here:
I sure hope this helps!
How do you play piano by ear?
Q. I've been playing piano for a while now, and i've been wondering how to play piano by ear. I don't want to waste time looking for tutorial sheets. HELP! thank you :)
A. Hi,
It's not difficult. I am just making an assumption that your finger dexterity is ok and that you are not tone deaf. Can you sing with correct pitch? Does your friends ever comment that you sing ok or off pitch. If you are sing ok, then you are a good candidate to Play By Ear.
For a start, if you can work out melodies by ear, then it would be great. If not, let me know and I will see how to guide you through. And if you can do that, putting harmony into the song is just a snap. All you need is for someone to hand you the keys to unlock the "door". I hope I can be that one. OK. See if you can digest the below:
As for good place to start, Can you play C, F and G7 chords besides playing melodies in C key? Next, feel each chord and notice each have different character which you need to recognize - much like how you recognize faces (by eyes); only this time, your ear must do the detecting.
If you pay attention enough, you will notice that Chord IV(F) is getting stronger compared to Chord I(C). Chord V7(G7( gives you the "unfinished" and also seems to be "getting smaller, softer, weaker, going in" feeling; and Chord I(C) gives you the "Settled, Finished" feeling. Test it out and see. Using these feelings, you can practically listen to a song and knows what goes where without even writing in down or testing it out. You just know! Just like recognizing faces, you just have to try it out often in many songs.
Now try it for simple folk songs, especially Happy Birthday.(the world's most common song)
Just a warning: It may come to you immediately or sometimes, nothing at all. For a while, it might seem like it is not coming to you or you are not getting it. Just persist. Suddenly, like a bell hammer, it will "slam" on you and you will be suddenly enlightened!
There are more but I will have to leave you to test this principle out first before you try out the rest.
Check me out at tuition.playbyear.com.my. The rest of the details are there in the video ebooks.
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Title : Advanced Happy Birthday Piano Sheet Music?
Description : Q. I need some free happy birthday piano sheet music, more on the advanced level. not any of that easy stuff though. I want something that ...