Q. I don't know if this is right or not but is a chord just a bunch of keys pushed together at the same time? And how do I learn them all, practice is one thing but I looked it up and there is like a hundred of them. Do I have to memorize every one of those along with the names?
A. There are as many chords as there are combinations of notes - so pretty much an infinite number. Fortunately the chords we use every day follow rules.
There are two basic types of chords, major and minor. All major chords have the same intervals (more on that in a minute) as do all minor chords. You only need to learn the intervals to begin with; once you start playing the chords you'll simply remember what each one sounds like, and what notes you need to play.
Intervals are the distance between one note and another. On a piano the distance from one note to the next note-but-one is a tone. The distance from one note to the very next note is a semitone (this is true for all instruments, but it's easy to see on the piano). To form a major chord we take a note (say C) then we go up 2 tones. So take C and miss one note and we have D - one tone. Then from D we miss a note and take the next - E. Therefore the first two notes of a major triad of C are C and E. Next we go up a tone and a semitone. A tone from E is F#, a semitone from F# is G. Therefore the major triad of C has the notes C E and G.
This is the way to find out the notes in ALL major triads.
To find out minor triads we firstly go up a tone and a half, and then 2 tones. So if we're in C we go up a tone and a half (one tone = D + 1/2 = Eb) and then up 2 tones from there (1 tone = F 2 tones = G). Therefore the notes of a C minor triad are C Eb and G.
The thing about triads is it doesn't matter what order we put the notes in. A C major chord only has to have the notes C E and G in it; the order isn't important. So we could have E G C, G C E etc.
As far as learning the chords goes I would suggest working out the notes in each major and minor triad (you could also look it up, but working it out will help you understand WHY it works) and then playing them all, so start with a triad of C, then Db, then D etc.
There are a LOT more chords, but they also follow rules - and there are only a few (about 100 or so) chords which are really used often, and most of them are simply the same but with one note different. I have been playing the piano for 15 years and playing jazz piano for about 7 and I still don't know ALL the chords off the top of my head!
Whats next to learn on the guitar?
Q. I've taught my self guitar for the past year or so and i have a descent background in piano, but i want to further my skills with the guitar. I know all the chords major, minor, 7, add 9 and all of that cool stuff. I also know the major and pentatonic scale. What should i learn next??? Just give like a list starting with basics guitar going to advanced pls.
A. You could learn: Chromatics and "accidental" notes, arpeggios the 7 mode scales, Blues scales, triads, diads, finger picking, playing chords in different areas, diminished chords, augmented chords, when to use chords at what times, stuff like that. You could also try to improve at something like speed or rhythm. You could also try to learn a challenging song to test your abilities. I recommend something by Jimi Hendrix, Duane Allman, or even Metallica.
Another tip: Don't get stuck playing one type of style. Let yourself venture into all types of playing. Rock, blues, pop, bluegrass, jazz, ect.
Good luck!
How to play 7th chords on the piano with long fingers?
Q. I have longer fingers, but even though everyone says longer fingers are better for playing, its pretty uncomfortable for me. My hands get stiff whenever I try to play a 7th chord on a minor or major. Any advice?
A. straighten em out and lay ur wrist low.... usually ur not supposed to but since uur finger are long i think ull be fine
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Title : What exactly is a chord(instrument, piano) and how do I learn them all?
Description : Q. I don't know if this is right or not but is a chord just a bunch of keys pushed together at the same time? And how do I learn them a...