Q. I'm nineteen years old. I've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument. I've enrolled myself in both piano and guitar lessons for adult beginners. Can I really learn how to be a good guitarist and pianist if I'm no longer a kid? What do I have to do? How long will it take? I want to be able to one day play by ear, like some musicians but I don't know if I'm dreaming too big.
A. Hi! I can't speak for guitar, but there is no question about it - you can learn piano (and quickly) at pretty much any age. This has been proven time and time again. I also read a college professor's study (but back from 1993) that concluded that it is easier to learn piano than guitar, but I personally think it depends on the individual and if they have a personal preference to one or the other. The key to it all is to make sure you continue to learn and follow through to the end, even if you temporarily get frustrated when starting out. Many courses also try to make learning piano fun by early on showing the student how they can use simple chords to play popular songs that they know, which I must admit is a good feeling to play something, even just simple chords, that sound like a popular song. So push forward with what you are already doing. Oh, as far as how long it may take? Again, everyone is different, and it depends on the teaching methods being applied and what your ultimate goals are. I would say, and this is a big guess, that if you apply yourself hard that you should be happily playing the piano after a solid year to the level you are seeking. You can actually keep training/learning forever, but dedicating yourself to it over the course of a year is your first step. Reevaluate then. Sure, you will be playing songs within weeks, and harder ones within months, but give it some time before you really judge yourself on how things are coming along to meet your ultimate goals. Best of luck, and have fun with it.
How long does it take to learn piano grade 1?
Q. I started piano four days ago, im learning by myself through internet, im learning music theory and started sheet reading practice, and i have mastered Hanon exercises 1 y 2 doing 3 hours a day.
A. Hi,
To be honest, itâs hard to get a specific time frame. Iâve had lots of students over the years and each one learns at different speeds. You need to consider these factors:
Skill Level â You need to know your skill level so you can start or continue at the proper level.
Personal Musical Aptitude â A music teacher can help you determine your skill level and aptitude.
Your Age â Learning to play the piano is easier and faster for a 12 year old than for a 35 year old. Patience and persistence can overcome many obstacles, but be realistic about your expectations.
Time Available â You need to plan a regular schedule for practice time. 20 or 30 minutes of practice five times a week is better than a single 3 hour session on Saturdays.
Realistic Goals â The amount of time you practice and a consistent schedule will determine your improvement more than anything else.
One of the drawbacks of learning on your own, without good guidance is that you tend to develop bad habits without even knowing it. The more you practice this way, the harder it will be to correct those bad habits.
If you canât afford a private teacher, then you MUST get a good course, that itâs well organized and with a step-by-step program in order to avoid developing bad habits.
A few months ago, I was reading in a keyboard magazine about a piano method with great reviews. It's a complete piano method that covers different types of music and itâs for beginners and advanced students. The price is less than the cost of one month of private lessons.
In case you're interested, thereâs some more information in the link below and also a link to a site with lots of information for beginners. Even a free e-mail course and a chord chart.
Any suggestions for good beginning piano books?
Q. I'm in my thirties and I play guitar. I just got a 61 key electronic keyboard for the holidays. I need suggestions for good beginning piano books appropriate for my age. The book stores and Amazon have nothing. I guess that I need to go to a community college bookstore or something.
A. What kind of music do you like? There are two routes you can take: Classical or Contemporary.
Classical although more complex and sophisticated is in my opinion easier to learn ( at first) becase it is more detailed and self explanatory. Once you learn how to read, sheet music. You can pick up a work by chopin and little by little start playing (poor technique though, but audible).
Contemporary styles are very very difficult to teach yourself (I speak from experience). You have to decipher chord symbols, study rhythms, harmonize melodies, memorize chord progressions, hand inversions, all instantaneously if you want it too sound good.
Honestly, a teacher is your best bet. Believe me you'll knock yrs off your quest.
But if your like me, who wants to be self taught: Let me recommend:
Piano for dummies (good introductory stuff)
Contemporary music theory (lv 1,2)
" " " " ear training
Pop piano book
all by mark harrison (awesome books!)
Jamie aebersold books (there are alot, but its play along, his methods have been proven, and you can start IMPROVISING the standards and classic jazz tunes.
For classical music:
I don't know any good books honestly, ther are so many methods out there. Personally once I learned how to read music (youd be surprise how quickly you can pick it up) all you have to do is get the sheet music for whatever it is you want to play (bach, beethoven, mozart, chopin, whatever)
let them be your teachers, everything is in the sheet music.
Anyway good luck!
BTW, you got a good headstart, since you already play the guitar. You have a good grasp of chords and progressions. This will aid you in piano. That 61 keyboard you got is good for the beginning but you should consider after awhile, if your still into it to at least getting a 76 keyboard one. That way you'll avoid frustrations when you see that there aren't enough keys to play a piece that you started (like moonlight sonata).
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Title : Can I become a good guitar and piano player if I start learning now?
Description : Q. I'm nineteen years old. I've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument. I've enrolled myself in both piano and guitar...