Q. I started learning piano yesterday. Since I've been playing guitar for 3 1/2 years now, I picked up on the concept of scales and chords very quickly. I'm currently learning the whole concept of the formation of piano chords, but the point is I wanted to learn to play Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd, and I was wondering if there was a website that could teach me to learn how to read sheet music. Thanks!
A. Try this site:
What are some cool songs to learn on the piano?
Q. I'm pretty good on piano,I've got about 3 to 4 years of experience. I always have a hard time finding songs to learn. I can not read notes, I learn from youtube. Please post the names of songs that would sound cool on piano. Thank you! :)
A. Any JAZZ makes you sound like a MONSTER of a PIANO PLAYER
New Orleans Styles
Super Mario Brothers Theme Songs
Learn many Theme Songs from Movies, Cartoons, Television Shows, Game Shows, etc..
Learn the most common jingles that everyone has a catchy ear for...
Keep up with at least 2 of the latest tunes of every genre. (Even if you never perform them.. give them a listen, play them and keep up with the times.. Rock today isn't Rock from Yesterday..
Be sure to play music from today as well as from Yesterday. Same goes for other genres of music.. music is steady changing. KEEP UP.
DO NOT ONLY PLAY MUSIC THAT YOU LIKE... Play even music that you DO NOT LIKE - this will open your ear a little more and also give you a run in different chord changes and progressions.
Can you damage a piano keyboard by having the volume too high?
Q. Yesterday I was playing my keyboard with max volume. Now when I play a key it makes buzzing noises. When I try to play chords it just restarts itself. Is there anyway I can fix this? Or should I just retire the keyboard.
I have a Yamaha EZ-20 and it runs off a power chord.
A. Sounds to me like you blew the amp to the speakers or the speakers, or both. Sounds like retirement time. You can probably find a good replacement on craigslist.
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Title : Best link to learn to play piano sheet music?
Description : Q. I started learning piano yesterday. Since I've been playing guitar for 3 1/2 years now, I picked up on the concept of scales and cho...