Q. Also, is piano music and guitar music the same notes when reading music?
A. Piano-you have to learn both the Treble Cleft and the Bass Cleft.
Guitar- you have to learn all the fingerings and chords.
I think that Guitar is easier.
How can I learn to read music (sight read) if I already can play guitar and piano by ear?
Q. I just want to be able to sightread so that I can learn complicated classical music pieces. I already play guitar pretty well and piano at a beginner's level, and I can sing, all by ear. What would be the best way to learn to sightread?
A. Just start reading music. Try to read something new every day. Practicing the same pieces over and over doesn't really help you develop your reading abilities, because you just end up memorizing the piece.
Sight reading skills are basically you memorizing what certain sounds/chords/notes/fingerings look like on paper. It won't take you long before you can spot an open C major chord right away. Over time you'll be able to quickly recognize other chord types readily. It's just a matter of practice.
How do I change piano notes into guitar chords?
Q. I have a lot of music books with piano music that does not have guitar chords on them. What I want is to transpose the notes into guitar chords. I can figure out most of them, but some are very hard to do with all the sharps and flats involved.
A. What you should do is study the structure of the cords. The staff is the same for guitar as it is for piano. Learn the notes 100% on your fretboard. The key is rememberingthat the same note appears more than once on a guitar. ( example...6th string 5th fret is the same as 5th string open). study the fretboard to find the least complicated fingerings.
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Title : What instrument is more difficult, piano or acoustic guitar?
Description : Q. Also, is piano music and guitar music the same notes when reading music? A. Piano-you have to learn both the Treble Cleft and the Bass ...