Q. I want to learn how to play jazz piano chords?
A. If you know how to play piano chords well, jazz chords are an easy transition. Jazz chords are basic chord structures that have slight changes to alter the sound. For example, take a C7 Major chord. Now instead of playing a B, play a Bb. You're now playing a regular C7...a dominant chord that's very common in jazz. Other common changes are C9 or a D on top....C,b5 or playing a Gb instead of G...the list goes on. There are many books to help you with this process. Go to the local music shop or look online. My favorite site for this is wwbw.com.
Piano and Sheet Music Questions?
Q. What I need is for someone to answer all my questions..
I JUST (just as in two nights ago) learned how to read sheet music by reading an article on the internet. So, I want to learn hoe to play some songs, but I'm not into classical music.Maybe Alicia Keys or familiar Gospel Music. Over the past two days, I've been trying to do the song Imagine me by Kirk Franklin. I found a page of Sheet Music from there and just noticed last night that it was only the first page. I repeat, I'm just learning how to play the piano correctly so that's why I didn't expect it so much. While searching the Internet, these questions came into mind
1. What are chords and who uses them?
2. Where can I find free Sheet music for my -PIANO-
3. If I were to buy a book of sheet music at a store, what would be a good one
4. Any online hymn books. The hymn books in church always have the sheet music in them
Thanks in advance, Clinea
A. http://www.8notes.com/piano/ is great!
Just google "free piano sheet music" and you'll find tons of stuff!
Chords are just when you play multiple notes at the same time. Pretty much everybody uses them.
If you want to buy music at a store, just look for "beginner" books or ask the saleperson for help! I can't really recommend anything specific as I mostly play classical and hard rock/metal. Sorry I can't be of more assistance!
I'd highly recommend practicing scales, as well. It really helps!
PIANO Sheet music HELP please!?
Q. I am taking a piano class and im doing pretty good. I recently bought the taylor swift piano book by Leonard Hal and I am confused!
I wast wondering if anyone knows a website that I can put the chords into the computer like how I see it on the actual sheet music and it will tell me which keys to play. Like if I could put what I actually see on the sheet music and it just tells me what to push.
I just need to figure out a little bit of them to understand where the book is trying to lead me.
Thank you very much for your help I will really appreciate it!!! :)
A. I don't know which book you bought (there seem to be very many) so I kept looking until I found a description. It said "Piano/Vocal (with Guitar Chords)".
If you are looking to know which notes to play for the chords (mainly aimed at guitar or keyboard), there are keyboard chord books which illustrate which keys to play. I looked on ebay.com and found many, and some offered free shipping. Or you could find your chords online. http://keychord.com/ shows which notes to play, or this one which also names the notes, and also shows you inversions http://www.pianoworld.com/fun/vpc/piano_chords.htm
Then, you could write in the note names above the chord symbol in your music book, and it will always be on the page in front of you, which notes you need to play.
The piano part of these music pages doesn't usually mean chords - more typically it means playing single individual notes, or sometimes two notes played at once. For them, you need to be able to read the notes on the lines and the spaces. http://www.google.ie/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&biw=1024&bih=661&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsfd&tbnid=gZol-0SOg8BiLM:&imgrefurl=http://chrismarx85.hubpages.com/hub/Learn-to-Read-Music-for-the-Piano-Faster&docid=qqVsE9YZsZ6gMM&imgurl=http://s4.hubimg.com/u/536671_f520.jpg&w=520&h=278&ei=5RhsUMffOoWHhQeO3IG4DA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=99&vpy=189&dur=175&hovh=164&hovw=307&tx=170&ty=55&sig=104196447953624470753&page=5&tbnh=120&tbnw=225&start=65&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:65,i:339 (incidentally, the mnemonic I use is different - Great Big Dogs From Africa, instead of Good Burritos Don't Fall Apart)
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Title : how to play jazz piano chords?
Description : Q. I want to learn how to play jazz piano chords? A. If you know how to play piano chords well, jazz chords are an easy transition. Jazz ...