Q. I took piano lessons for about 2 years then quit when I was 10. Now I'm 14 and I want to teach myself. I'm working on memorizing the notes again, but I only learned 3 or 4 chords when I was taking lessons. Whats a good website that would help me learn the chords?? Is it just memorization or is there a pattern?
A. There is a pattern for chords.
I remember chords based on how many notes are inbetween each note you hit for the chord.
So for a major chord, you start with the base note, then you skip three notes and hit that note, then skip two notes and hit the last note. No matter which note you start with, you will always end up with a major chord. Remember to count both the white keys and the black keys because they are all notes.
To make a minor chord, instead of skipping three notes in the beginning, you skip two notes and then skip three notes.
Here's a C major, (the stars are the notes you should hit)
C *
E *
G *
I hit C, skipped three, then hit E, then skipped two and hit G.
Here's a C minor
C *
D# *
G *
I hit C, skipped two, then hit D#, then skipped three and hit G.
All other chords are a variation of this principle. You can play a C Major in three different ways as long as you hit the three notes that are necessary to be a C Major.
Here's an example
E *
G *
C *
Instead of starting with C on the left, I started with E but ended with C. I still managed to hit C, E, and G to make a C Major.
This isn't about memorizing the names of the notes and which notes are in a C major. The most important part is to remember how many spaces are inbetween the notes. After you know that, you can play any chord, B major, F minor, whatever...
Is Piano Scales and Chords the Same of the Guitar and Bass?
Q. Hi
1> I mean can i use piano chords and scales for a Bass or Electric or Acoustic guitar.
Does they have the same notes like C D E F G A B ? {Does bass g has these notes on it}
2> Or do Guitar and Bass guitar has their own different set of chords and scales.
3> If u can plz give an example of scales or chords for Bass Guitar and E guitar.
4> And also if i have a Bass guitar on My Casio music keyboard than can i use the piano chords?
Thanks for answering!
A. Yes. Playing a simple three-fingered chord called a 'triad' is the same on guitar, piano or any instrument where chords are used. However, there are different variations and other ways to play the same chords on guitar, which WON'T sound the same on piano. This is because it would be a completely different chord as there is only one way to play a chord on a piano - no variations like there are on guitar.
But, overall, yes. The chords produce the same notes and the notes produce the same chords (forgetting guitar chord variations, of course). While the piano and guitar chords are often played completely differently - the fingering being different and the sound produced by the chord is sometimes different in texture and tone - the guitar chords are generally the same as piano notation.
Know any Irish sounding piano chords?
Q. I'm looking for piano and guitar chords that sound Celtic/Irish.
A. I don't think there are any specific Celtic/Irish chords. The distinctiveness of the music is in the melodies; particularly the way they are repeated with slight variations.
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Title : How can I teach myself piano chords??
Description : Q. I took piano lessons for about 2 years then quit when I was 10. Now I'm 14 and I want to teach myself. I'm working on memorizing...