Q. I want to take piano lessons, so I need to know-
Do you need a piano in your house for lessons?
What improvements have you made because of playing the piano?
What are the ups, and downs of learning to play?
Where can I get a piano for a reasonable price?
Thank you!
A. Goodwill or Craigslist.org for piano they can be cheap or free . You can get free piano lessons on youtube look up shawncheeky . You could start with keyboard but not all will play alot of keys at once ( that could be real problem when learning chords ) Have been teaching my childern piano as I learn and my daughter translates it to saxaphone . The downs can be sore fingers . Other than that all good .
How long did it take you to learn guitar? If you play anyway?
Q. Ive had my guitar for 2 years and just this summer I started learning. It hasnt really taken off a lot but I have learned a LOT. Like when Im messin with my friends guitars at their house they have no idea what Im talking about when I say " Stretch your strings " or " This strings sharp; This strings flat " lol they just dont get it. Its funni.
Anyway, if ya play, how long did it take ya to start getting good and playing songs?
A. Well . . . for me, I started 40 years ago when I was 13 and I have been learning ever since :-)
I was fortunate, I played piano from the age of 6 and so had a very good musical grasp. My piano teacher always said that the piano was the hardest instrument to play and once I had mastered that, I would be ble to play anything. She was right. I have since tried playing many instruments . .keyboard, string, wind and I have found them all manageable.
So, I guess it depends on where you are starting from. Assuming you have no musical 'background' then it is all down to a few basics: 1) Whether or not you have a natural 'aptitude' for the guitar. 2) how much practice you put in (when I started, I was obsessed and so probably practiced for 2 - 4 hours each day and more at weekends). 3) What type of guitar you have. . . .some guitars are more 'stressful' on the fingers than others; This is what is called the 'action' which means, how easy it is to press the strings to the fretboard.
The tips of your fingers wil very quickly become sore. You have to push on through this, although it will be a little uncomfortable at first but then, the skin at your fingertips will harden and you will not feel any pain or discomfort at all.
The chord charts refer to the finger positions on each string and I have included a link which you might find helpful as it will take you to some applications that may help you.
As far as 'playing' is concerned, it depends on what you call 'playing'.
There are chords or just picking out single notes. You might find it easier to start by just playing single notes and making up or recalling simple tunes. Maybe Christmas tunes . . . .
For chords, start with just G, C, E, D at first and repeat them. There are not too many songs or tunes that do NOT use just 3 of those chords. Next work your way up to D, F, A, E minor and A minor.
Also, when you make a mistake KEEP GOING. Do NOT stop every time you have a problem otherwise you will never learn.
The site I told you aout is www.guitartabreview.com
How to expand my chest voice range?
Q. I'm an alto, and I have an abnormal range for a female- my lowest note is a c below middle c, and my upper range for chest voice ends at the b above middle c. The role I want belts to the e, and I don't want to strain my voice or cause my throat or vocal chords any damage. What are excercises that can increase my range?
A. I am soprano and am trying to hit an E (The second from the top), one that sounds good, I might add.my instructor is amazing, I have been through a few different instructors that give different tips, and each one helps me.
First, I warm up on the piano. I go up and up and up to the note I'd like, for you, it would be your E even if my voice cracks a little and/or it's in chest voice. Say different things, my favorites are La, Ta, and Ma. I try to hold the note as long as I can, take a breath and hit it again and again, regardless of how it sounds or if my voice cracks. Soon, I try without the piano, it helps. SOmetimes being louder helps for some voices, but if you can't go loud right away, then start at the volume you like, then go louder.
When your voice cracks, that's just because you aren't "open" enough. Does that make sense?
You want to be able to fit at least three finger (Index, Middle and ring) in your mouth. Your tongue should be touching the back of your teeth. When you do Ma, La , Ta, Da E.T.C, you want to always bring your tongue back in one position, the back on your teeth.
You want to think UP and OVER, sometimes hand motions help. Like Mariah Carey, Haha :)
One of my instructors told me pretend the note you want is tied on a string, and pretend (You can even try it to yourself) that somebody suddenly pulls it up. I do it to myself, and, as much as you may think it is too childish to work, if you think it, then it works... This is hard to explain without talking to you directly, but I'm explaining the best I can. It's mental, It's thoughts, It's what you think that may help.
Relax as you hit the note, it helps you open up more and since you are comfortable, your voice won't crack as much.
If you just can't get it to sound nice, then work on your range more, work on what you can do, and one or two notes at a time, work your way up until you're confident enough.
Are you taking voice lessons? If you find the right instructor for you, preferrably an alto, they can help you a lot.
Before I epirmented, I could barely do a good high note, now, I can hit the C below the E I'm working on.
I rarely find long days where I'm home and have nothing to do ALL DAY. But on those days, when I'm lucky to have them, I have the day/house to myself, I sing all day. I look up songs on Youtube to sing to, I pop in my favorite musical and sing to the songs I like! Find a day like that, and practice all day, expierement with your voice. It helps.
ALso, I sometimes, unintentionally start singing in head voice, not chest, but I just don't let myself, that's it, just don't let yourself do it.
Also, take good breaths, breaths should come from your diaphram, which is in your stomach! Don't crush your diaphram, you crush it when you sit down and sing. SO sing while you stand up. Put your hand or just fingers just above your belly button and when you sing, puch your stomach out against your fingers/hand. WHen you take a breath, your stomach should come in.
Hope I helped you!
And I hope you can hit the note you want. and get your role, I just wish you the best!
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