Q. I played piano for about 10 years now, and I only know how to play normal songs with notes. I've been seeing piano pieces with chords such as Em, C, G but, I have no clue how to play them. Does anyone know or have a tutorial that can show me how to play chords?
A. Use this website to show you the fingerings for chords: http://www.hearandplay.com/virtualpiano.html
Also, I just want to mention that guitar typically JUST plays chords. So really it is not surprising that someone who only has a year behind them on guitar would know chords because that is what they learn.
Chords become pretty easy to get used to and they obviously follow a sort of pattern that will become natural.
Good luck!
What Are the chords for 'I Want' by One Direction?
Q. hi, i'm interested in learning the piano chords for one directions song 'I Want'...on all the youtube tutorials and sheet music i find, there always seems to be a melody, but i would just like the chords. if you could help, i'd appreciate it! x
A. For a correctly scored and complete version of the song, your better to buy it from a local shop. Buying it this way means it will be complete and correct, where in as getting it from an online site, the chances of it being incorrect, incomplete, or worse both are high. This also includes tabs, and in notation forms.
How do you use piano chords to play a song?
Q. Okay, so I wanted to play this song, and when I downloaded the "sheet music" for the song, it turned out to be chords.
The introduction went: Bsus4 F#sus4 G#m F#
I can read sheet music, but I don't know how to make the chords into actual notes. How are you supposed to put it into melody, and how do you know which notes are right hand, and which are left?
And, a bigger problem. The first chord says Bsus4 which is B, E, and F#.
But, when I look at the tutorial for the song I want to play, the first notes are, B F# B.
Can somebody PLEASE explain to me how to make these piano chords into a song?
A. Sounds like you found a lead sheet?
A lead sheet usually has the right hand melody line and then left hand chords on the top of the melody.
To read this, you have to find out exactly which individual notes are included in the chord scale. Basically you have to find out the key signature of each of the chords.
For your "bigger problem" ...its still the same chord only an inversion of it.
This is sorta complicated to explain right now because this sounds a little advanced for you right now. Try looking up the sheet music and/or a tutorial for the same song again only looking for the actual notes instead of chords. If you want to learn how to read chords and lead sheets, your gunna hafta study chords a lot more instead of just sheet music.
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Title : How do you play songs that are composed of chords on piano?
Description : Q. I played piano for about 10 years now, and I only know how to play normal songs with notes. I've been seeing piano pieces with chord...