Q. I have to find choral jazz warm ups for my class and I can not find any online. If you know any good warm ups for a jazz choir please let me know. If possible, include possible piano accompaniment (chords) to play with warm up.
A. Here are some useful links for your choral jazz warm ups:
From Day One to Performance with piano notations:
Jazz Vocal Warm Up, Singing Technique, Scat Singing & Vocal Style Singing Lessons
Warm Up with a Cool Vocal Jazz Exercise
Good luck!
How to match your vocal range to playing songs on the piano?
Q. When I try to play piano, let's just say Paradise by Coldplay, the original way it's supposed to be played is too low for my voice, and the octave up is way to high. What do I do?
A. tabs.ultimate-guitar.com offers a HUGE selection of songs and their chords. There is a feature where you can transpose the songs however many half steps or whole steps you like, and eventually, you can find a key that suits your vocal range just fine. (:
How to play an octave well in the piano?
Q. I'm 25 years old. I've learned piano for a couple of years. I wasn't started it when I was a kid. I tried to play some stretching exercise before. Such as, Hanon No. 19 and 20. But it seems doesn't have any improvements. I really would like to know how can I improve the problems of stretching. Thank you! I really appreciated.
A. Increasing your octave technique will take dedication and patience, especially if you didn't start when you were a kid. I would continue with the Hanon excercises, but make sure that you aren't playing past when it starts hurting, because that's when injury happens!
I would begin by always relaxing any tension in your neck, shoulders, forearms, and wrists before you sit down to practice. (Remember, increasing agility and flexibility WILL take months and months of practice - even music majors who practice constantly are always working on overcoming technique difficulties) I would try slowly relaxing your neck, rolling your shoulders, and just loosely shaking your arms from your shoulders - let gravity release any tension in your arms. If you are trying to warm up or stretch any muscles with tension, you'll just hurt yourself.
Once you are loose, I would work with blocked chords first - try inversions of the major and minor triads (C-E-G, E-G-C, G-C-E) and eventually add the upper root (for example, play blocked C-E-G-C, E-G-C-E, G-C-E-G) so that you are playing an octave, but it's easier on your hands because you are supporting the stretch with your middle fingers. Do everything slowly - there is no need for speed, as that just builds tension and accomplishes nothing.
Another thing that might help is to "drop" into the notes. Hold your wrist above the piano and drop into a blocked 5th - rather than push the keys. If you can naturally drop into that 5th without too much stretching or tension, then try a 6th, 7th, and finally an 8th. Do everything in increments - never push past pain! Talk to your teacher about it too, since he/she can watch your hand position while you play and give you some specific critiques/corrections.
Hope this helps!
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Title : Do you know any good choral jazz warm ups?
Description : Q. I have to find choral jazz warm ups for my class and I can not find any online. If you know any good warm ups for a jazz choir please le...