Q. I know that if we were in a normal scale that has 7 notes like A major: A B C# D E F# G#. But in a pentatonic scale there is only five notes like E minor: E A D G B. Where do the notes come from? How do they get these notes? Do they take the notes from an E minor chord and you just play all the notes anywhere on the neck? Thanks in advance.
A. This requires a very lengthy explanation. I am going to make it short.
The first generation piano had only white keys, no black keys. Needless to say, there were only majors, no minor. At the time, it sounded very weird. Slowly, they found if 2 keys were eliminated, the music sound more easy listening. So 2 - 1/2 notes were eliminated. What was left were these 5 notes, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. These 5 notes today are referred to as Major Pentatonic. As music continued to evolve, in classical music, they started to add the chords to the music pieces to achieve a better harmony and minor chords were born. In order to reach a harmony, Blues changed the pattern of the major scale, from 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 to 1, 2#, 4, 5, 6#. Today, this new pattern is known as Minor Pentatonic.
This is why, when we play the Blues, when the 1 chord comes, at soloing, we play the major scale, when the 4 & 5 chords come, at soloing we play the minor scale.
How do you convert guitar chords to piano chords?
Q. i really would like to play a song on the piano. the song is kind of old and i can only find it for the guitar so i was wondering how do you convert these to piano chords or notes?
( F#m Bm Em A7) thank you!
A. Well an F#m chord is an F#m chord no matter what instrument you play it on.
You should really learn how to build chords yourself. I don't know how long you've been playing piano, but if you can't tell me what notes are in an E minor chord then you need to get crackin' on some learnin'
F#m is F# A C#
Bm is B D F#
Em is E G B
A7 is A C# E G
What are the piano chords for "Transatlanticism" by Death Cab for Cutie?
Q. I play a little bit of piano, and I really love that song. All I am looking for is the names of the piano chords used in the song, the chord progression, and the notes that make up those chords. Thanks in advance, God bless! :-)
A. "Transatlanticism" - Death Cab:
"Transatlanticism" - Death Cab:
"Notes in Chords: Major, Minor, 7th, Aug":
Cheers ebs
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Title : Where do they come up with the notes in a minor pentatonic scale?
Description : Q. I know that if we were in a normal scale that has 7 notes like A major: A B C# D E F# G#. But in a pentatonic scale there is only five n...