Q. i really would like to play a song on the piano. the song is kind of old and i can only find it for the guitar so i was wondering how do you convert these to piano chords or notes?
( F#m Bm Em A7) thank you!
A. Well an F#m chord is an F#m chord no matter what instrument you play it on.
You should really learn how to build chords yourself. I don't know how long you've been playing piano, but if you can't tell me what notes are in an E minor chord then you need to get crackin' on some learnin'
F#m is F# A C#
Bm is B D F#
Em is E G B
A7 is A C# E G
What are the notes/ fingerings for these arpeggios on piano?
Q. What are the notes for C major C minor G major F major A minor D minor? Please help by telling me the notes or directing me to a website about piano chords, arpeggios or broken chords.
A. Arpeggios , as I'm sure you know are the notes of a chord played consecutively rather than together. So for C major you would play (going up the scale)
C E G C,
then back down the scale.
C minor
C Dsharp F
G major
F major
A minor
D minor
The fingerings for arpeggios are (right hand) thumb, 3rd finger, little finger 3rd finger, thumb.
or thumb, 3rd finger, thumb little finger, thumb, 3rd finger thumb.
Here are some useful sites (be sure to look at other pages than the ones directly linked.)
and for some fun
Happy playing.
How do I know when to play the black keys on a piano?
Q. My piano sheet doesn't have the sharp or flat symbols by the notes, which is why I'm confused.
For example:
The first note (F) is a sharp F.
And the last note of that chord (C) is a sharp C.
How do I know when I'm suppose to play a sharp or flat note if the symbols aren't there?
A. The two sharps in the key signature are for every F and C in that entire example. (It saves time over writing each one as F# and C#.)
There would be an accidental in front of an individual note if you're meant to play F-natural when the key signature has F#.
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Title : How do you convert guitar chords to piano chords?
Description : Q. i really would like to play a song on the piano. the song is kind of old and i can only find it for the guitar so i was wondering how do...