Q. i want to tune guitar by a piano
A. The low E on a guitar is known as E2 so it is 2 octaves below middle C and the high E string is known as E4 which is just 2 whole steps up from middle C. If you have a microphone you can tune your guitar with your computer's sound card. This webpage has guitar tuners you can use:
What is the piano song that goes in C?
Q. It starts like
C E G C1 E1 G C1 E2 then continues on in the same way with the D chord.
Thanks a lot!
A. The first C major prelude from Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier
What is the piano song that goes in C?
Q. It starts like
C E G C1 E1 G C1 E2 then continues on in the same way with the D chord.
I'm pretty sure it isn't from a movie.
A. Sounds like the Prelude in C #1 from WTC, but I'm not too sure.
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Title : whats the chord of E minor in piano?
Description : Q. i want to tune guitar by a piano A. The low E on a guitar is known as E2 so it is 2 octaves below middle C and the high E string is kn...