Q. i know that there is a piano
and vocals (obviously)
but i mean is there a guitar? ive never heard one and ive listened to the song countless times.
also if there is something else i am missing please mention what it is.
A. Hey Jude" begins with McCartney singing lead vocals and playing the piano. The patterns McCartney plays are based on three chords: F, C and B-flat (I, V and IV); the second verse adds accompaniment by guitar and a single tambourine.
Does anybody have the piano NOTES for hey Jude by the Beatles?
Q. I need the notes because I have yet to learn how to read sheet music I plan on learning but I want to learn this song. Do not send me links and say try these because that is just wasting my time. Thanks!
A. here we go:
you can also look on youtube for lessons , jsut type in Hey Jude piano lessons, ive dont that for let it be :)
How do you know when to strum when playing a guitar song with only the chords>?
Q. I am just learning guitar and i am learning hey jude i am given the chord names over piano music when do i strum and how often?
A. play with the song and strum according to the beat like listen to the song first and then play it with the song playing and just go with the beat
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Title : What instruments are in the original "hey jude" by the beatles?
Description : Q. i know that there is a piano drums bass and vocals (obviously) but i mean is there a guitar? ive never heard one and ive listened to the...