Q. I'm learning to play a song on the keyboard and i got the chords from the net. The problem is that there is only 'C', 'Am', 'F' etc written over the line of the song. What i want to know is have i to play only the chord cause if thats it then its just not sounding right. i'm really confused how you play it. eg.
Gm Dm
I was on your side when nobody could hold us down
Is dat all i'm supposed 2 play?
A. The composer of the chord symbols would have intended that the piece be written for guitar, yes, but if you intend to sing along with it whilst playing it on the keyboard, try, in your left hand, (don't just play the chords, as it can sound "perky or plain" on a keyboard with voice), try to play the the broken chord of Gm, but use {G, Bflat, G}, going up the scale. Play those three notes before the words and sustain them while you're singing, or play them whilst you sing the "I was".
For the D minor, again, for keyboard and voice, don't just play the simple chord{D,Natural,A}, but play the broken chord (one after the other, in quick succession or slowly) with the notes {D, Fnatural, D} or {D, A, D}, going up, repeated or sustained for the length of the rest of the phrase, whatever your liking.
But with the change between the two chords, Either play the Gminor broken chord before the "I was" while sustained (held down), or quickly, or sing the first two words slower to fit the three notes. Then, play the lower D whilst you sing the "on", then follow it with the F natural or A then D, repeated or just held while you sing the rest.
I hope that's not too complicated, but it should work.
see what you think.
Eg. -Note, the letters are notes, not chords, and the B is a B flat note, the F an F natural
I was on your side when nobody could hold us down
Do guitar chords sound the same as piano/keyboard chords?
Q. I was wondering, if I just wanted to use my left hand to play a song could I use the same chords a guitar uses to accompany a guitarist in a song? I'm talking about grade 3 keyboard chords i.e. C chord = G C E.
A. Bass lines are played with the left hand on piano and right hand plays chords and melody. You could use the same chords to play a song on piano as guitar. Most guitar chords (basic 1st position chords) have their root as the bass, C = C,E,G,C,E but this is not chiseled in stone, you can use whatever chord voicing you like. If you want to have a more guitar-ish sound try rolling thru the chords like a strummed guitar or when using a guitar synth set on a keyboard sound pluck as many notes as possible to get a piano attack.
help with piano chords?
Q. could you please answer with the notes in these chords.
you dont have to answer all.
they're on piano
is Em (9) the same as Em9 but just written differently?
and finally what exactly is Em9/D , Em9/C?
oh and 10 points to anyone who answers seriously :)
Prince M :],
normally i dont reply to hate comments but im not raping any little boys at the moment so i have nothing else to do.
So im a 'geek/nerd/really butty loser from high school who doesn't have any cliche he can call his own and just messes up with anyone on Y!A?'
firstly, im a girl. i didnt know piano was a nerdy thing to do, if i did i wouldnt have learned it, just so i can please you!
i never knew there was anything wrong with being smart or playing an instrument.
secondly, how short is your memory? first im a 'loser in high school' and now im a 'really ********* Y Pervert!'?
do you self a favour and stop banging your head on the bed head when you get ploughed by your giant, hairy sister who is actually your mother.
what kind of person goes through other users answers and then calls them a 'L'?
seeing as you called me fat, i suppose im going to go eat some cake now.
i hope you get raped by a hairy lesbien who hot pockets you.
A. Em9 - E,F#,G,B - This is going to sound a little strange. If you play E and G with your left hand and play F# and B with your right, it sounds okay. You know chords can be split between the two hands. You also have the option of playing F instead of F#. F would be the minor 9th, but since it's a minor chord anyway, a minor 9th would sound good.
D9 - D,E,F#,A - This sounds okay in a higher register - above middle C. If you play it lower, I would play D,F#,A with my left and E and F# with the right.
C9 - C,E,G left C,D,G right - this sounds good. The D in this chord is the 9th.
Em9/D This is easy. The slash and then note just means you begin on the note after the slash. D is the 7th for E. So this would be D,E,F#,G,B (However since it's an Em alot of people would play the ninth also as a minor, so it would be an F, not an F#) The thing with ninths is you end up playing three notes in a row, in this case with the seventh - four notes in a row. You just have to experiment and see how you can make it sound okay - using two hands and switching inversions. An inversion is the order. There are three inversions.
Like with a C chord - The first inversion is C,E, G
The second inversion is E, G, C
The thired is G, C, E
Em9/C C,E,F,G,B (You could also play a D, since the D would be the 7th and anytime you have a 9th you can also play the 7th) The only set rule for this one is that is has to start with C. So the bottom note of the left hand has to be C. Try it different ways. CDF - left CE right sounds okay. Of course this leaves out the B, but sometimes you have to play it a little different to get it to sound okay.
Em - E,G,B When I play it I play it E,G,B,D - Technically the D makes it a 7th, but it sounds good.
Dm/F - F,A,D - Again if you play it as a 7th it sounds better. Add the C. F,A,C,D I like minor chords with 7th's
C/G - G,C,E
Gm - G,Bb,D
I don't know if Em (9) is the same as Em9
There is a book called "Ultimate Keyboard Chord Book" You can get it at any music store that sells instruments and books. Its by the Hal Leonard Corporation. It has all the chords.
Chords are based on scales. The basic chord is 1st, 3rd, 5th.
A 9th is really the 2nd note.
So the C scale is C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C
The 9th is D
They call it the 9th because they are thinking of it as being in the next octave. So it would be 7 notes above the 2nd note.
Here are the scales
C - C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C
D - D,E,F#,G,A,B,C#,D
E - E,F#,G#,A,B,C#,D#,E
F - F,G,A,Bb,C,D,E,F
G - G,A,B,C,D,E,F#,G
A - A,B,C#,D,E,F#,G#,A
B - B,C#,D#,E,F#,G#,A#,B
The basic chord is 1,3, 5
The ninth is the second
The seventh is the seventh
The 11th is the fourth
The 13th is the 6th
There are also scales for the flats - Bb, Db, Eb, Gb,Ab
Without writing them all out, just think of it this way. Think of the chord with the same letter but not flat. Like for a Bb, think of B. Now which notes were a half step higher? In B, the notes a half step higher are C,D, F, G, and A because those notes were all sharps. So for Bb, those notes would also be a half step higher, meaning, C,D,F,G and A would be played as regular notes and B and E would be flat. So for any scale, the flat scale would play the regular notes as flats and the sharps would become the regular notes. Like in D - you have C# and F# - So for Db- C and F would be regular, everything else would be flat.
Db - Db,Eb,F, Gb,Ab,Bb,C
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