Q. I want a good software for learning piano and capable of teaching other instruments as well but the other instruments isn't necessary. I like the idea of Piano Marvel, but it is monthly payments. I want a software that is a one time payment, but still has updates. Can you give me any to check out?
I'm not a beginner. I took piano when I was in high school, but I'm out of practice, and would like to get back into it, so beginner programs aren't necessary.
Is Synthesia worth the money? Is that pretty helpful?
A. Hello friend, to learning piano you can utilize below given software.
1. Piano Booster
2. Piano Chords
3. PianoCheetah
Best computer software that helps learn piano?
Q. I have recently started learning piano and I want to be able to practice outside of lessons. I don't have my own piano yet, but am planning on buying a keyboard once summer starts. Until I get one, I was wondering if there was any good computer programs that I can buy or download that will help me learn and practice. I want to be able to use the computer keys to play... is that possible?
Specifically, I want to practice reading and identifying notes, playing chords, and other just general practice. Thanks for any help and recommendations on software that fits what I'm looking for.
Also, what is a good keyboard for a beginner to have and practice with once I get one? I don't want to spend a fortune because I won't need all the special features and stuff.
A. Seriously if you want to have a good future in piano, DO NOT get an electronic program. I don't think ANY great masters started out with an electronic program (of course they didn't have it back then also) but even many arising stars today did not start with an electronic program what-so-ever.
It doesn't really matter if you are just doing it for fun, get like a really cheap teacher and im sure that's better than an electronic program because the program are really vague, they are not designed/made to help with YOUR problems.
Also, I agree with Paul but NEVER EVER purchase an electronic piano. Again, buy or rent a cheap upright. The touch between an electronic one vs. acutostic one is wayyy different, even with today's technology. In fact electric pianos are NEVER gonna achieve the same touch as a real one (that's why an awesome piano costs like $50,000)
Sorry if it's harsh and that I didn't really answer your question. Don't want you to start off on the wrong road.
In the DVD "Learn and Master Piano" - Do they Cover Theory?
A. There are 14 DVDs with this course and they cover all aspects of playing the piano including theory, practice, chord progressions and playing styles you can find out all about the learn and master piano course at the piano lessons software expert website.
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Title : Best software for learning piano WITHOUT monthly payments?
Description : Q. I want a good software for learning piano and capable of teaching other instruments as well but the other instruments isn't necessar...