Q. when you play a chord, but you play the lowest note first, and the highest note last...like all the notes in the chord are played seperatly but close together
A. It's called an arpeggiated chord.
And it's also called a rolled chord.
Help with some piano chords?
Q. I'm supposed to identify some chords for Piano Theory, but I forgot how.
Well. Bottom line is. What's a v7 chord? a v chord? an IV Chord? An I Chord?
A. Roman numeral notation abstracts chords from particular keys. There are several variations on it, but the ones I learned and see the most are case sensitive.
A v7 is not the same as a V7. Lower case means a minor third. Upper case means a major third. So a v7 is a minor seventh chord on the dominant (i.e. the fifth scale degree) whereas V7 is a dominant seventh chord on the dominant. 1, 4, and 5 are NOT always major, by the way. In a natural minor scale, for example, all three are minor.
The conventions of Roman Numeral Notation as I learned it are:
The case of the Roman numeral tells you whether the third is major or minor.
The value of the Roman numeral tells you the scale degree.
A sharp or flat that precedes the Roman numeral tells you it's based on a note outside the scale. For example, if a tune in G major has an F major chord in it, and you were writing in roman numeral notation, it would be bVII.
A seven indicates a minor seventh.
A "maj7" indicates a major seventh.
A plus indicates an augmented fifth.
A circle indicates diminished fifth.
It goes on and on. You can learn more online:
what does this mean? (piano chord)?
Q. http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj182/momoro23/untitled.jpg
can someone help with that red circle?? thx b4
A. the C with a slash means cut-time (2/2)
Here, you'll love this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_musical_symbols
A link in wikipedia for modern music symbols
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Title : What is this piano technique called?
Description : Q. when you play a chord, but you play the lowest note first, and the highest note last...like all the notes in the chord are played sepera...