Q. who knows piano chords here by numbers it's fingering...i don't know how to play it with notes so i prefer to have it on numbers,,not numerals but numbrs..like 2345345367
A. There are numeric ways you can build chords - counting keys.
For example, a major fifth is root note, then 4 keys up, then 3 keys up. (key = half-step)
A minor fifth is root note, then 3 keys up, then 4 keys up.
A 7th is root, then 4 keys, then 3 keys, then 3 keys.
A major 7th is root, then 4 keys, then 3 keys, then 4 keys.
You can use this sort of technique to get your hands used to building the chords - at some point, visual and muscle memory will take over. You may also find it helps to group chords by their hand shapes - e.g. C, F, and G major 5ths are 1-3-5 on the white keys, D, E, and A have the 3rd finger on a black key, and B is weird (3 and 5 are both on black keys).
A major scale is whole whole half whole whole whole half.
A whole step is 2 keys - a half step is 1 key.
Try it out! Whatever technique you use to learn and memorize - practice it!
on a piano keyboard what notes produce the a minor 11th chord?
A. Here's an A minor 11th.
Illustrated and everything!
piano chords?
Q. 1.OK How do you know how to make the melody in a song chords like if you are playing note E then do you play the whole E major chord to make it a chord?
2.And how do you know what chord to play when you are playing a melody or intervals or watever?
thanks for your help plz answers soon bye now chow tootalup hehehe
A. You can play anything you want. Typically when you write a melody it follows either a major or minor scale. So use chords that fit the intervals. If you want to work backwards and work with chords first then you think of chords as degrees of scale.
For example in the C major scale C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C, the first chord, C is major, D is minor, E is minor, F major, G major, A is minor, B is really the seventh of a G chord and back to C major. This works for all keys.
Your melody can follow the scale or it can be part of a chord. For example, in the key of C, if you play an E note you can play either a C chord, A minor, E minor, they all contain the E note.
Have fun
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Title : piano chords??
Description : Q. who knows piano chords here by numbers it's fingering...i don't know how to play it with notes so i prefer to have it on numbers...