Q. i cant read music notes so i need just the chords like C# B A....and so on
any help will be much appreiciated :)
thanks x
A. Some sites that I use are:
You could download a chord chart from here:
Any of these will work
Hope they help
How can I learn piano chords and scales quickly and easily?
Q. I need to learn improvisational piano techniques quickly. Such as common scales ionian, dorian, lydian and such. As well as how to integrate common chords into them like major, minor, Maj7, m7, and dom7 mostly.
I have no interest in proper notation nor classical arrangement (it wasn't necessary for learning guitar). And I have no time to waste on stuffy instructors(also not needed for me to learn guitar improv).
I am an above average play-by-ear improvisational guitarist with a sound understanding of basic music theory. I use the CAGED method for guitar and was wondering if there is a similar system for learning piano chords and scales quickly.
A. On the piano, you don't really need a "CAGED" method because the octaves are much easier to visualize. You just have to be able to see the group of two black keys versus the group of three black keys as you move up and down the keyboard.
For example, the note between the two black keys, anywhere on the keyboard, is D.
This is one reason I moved from guitar to piano some years back and stayed with the piano. It was so much easier to visualize every note on the piano, and I'm a visual person.
As far as learning chord shapes, check out http://www.PianoChordFinder.org/ -- this site teaches a three note method for finding 72 basic piano chords.
You can download a PDF file of all 72 chords here http://www.pianochordfinder.org/PDFs/piano_chords_poster.pdf
where can i get jazz piano chords from jazz songs?
Q. any websites (besides 8notes.com) that have the chords or riffs to jazz songs like "moondance" or something like that?
A. You can google the phrase "The Real Book free".
The other poster gave you an invaluable site for identifying chords and learning to play them, but the main riffs and chord progressions of Jazz standards can be found in The Real Book, volumes 1-3. I would highly recommend just buying the books... they get used A LOT and pay for themselves after the first couple uses... not to mention that musicians still get paid *nudge nudge*!
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Title : where can i find free piano chords?
Description : Q. i cant read music notes so i need just the chords like C# B A....and so on any help will be much appreiciated :) thanks x A. Some sites...