Q. Does somebody know these chords or know where I can find them online? Thank you very much!
A. I could give you the notes in the chords, but you may want to use a different voicing. Is this for a college class?
An Am9/G means that it is an Am9 chord with a G in the bass. Am9 has A, C, E, G and B in it.
Am9b5/G would be the same chord as above with an Eb instead of an E.
I could go through them all, but it would take a while.
Piano chords question?
Q. I am playing a piece of music in the key of F sharp minor. I need to play the chord :Aminor7flat5. Is this flat 5:
a) D (because the fifth degree from A is E. And the E is flatterned in this key sig. There for Eflat flatterned is D)
or b)E flatterned. The keysig is not relevant to the chords written.
A. When playing a flat 5 chord you must flatten the fifth whatever that note is.
So Am7 = Root A, Third C, Fifth E, and Seventh G
Now flatten the E to make the chord Am7b5 or Am7flat5
So Am7b5 = Root A, Third C, Fifth Eb (E flat), and Seventh G
I should also mention that the thirds above are minor thirds
Hope that helps
How do you read piano chords?
Q. I want to learn how to play a song but I don't know how to read what it means. Here's what it has.
Verse: Eb Bb Ab . Eb Bb/D Cm Ab x4
Bridge: Fm Eb/G Ab Bb x3 Ab Eb/G Bb x2
Chorus: Eb Gm Cm Ab Eb Bbsus4/D Cm Ab
Eb Gm Cm Ab Eb Bbsus4 Cm Ab
Eb (link: Bb Abadd9 . Eb Bb/D Cm Ab)
I looked up each chord but they have so many different ones like major, major 7th, minor, and minor 7th. Idk which one it is. Please help, thanks!
A. If it's just a single note name, like C, Eb, G, or F#, then it's a major chord.
Watch these videos I made and they'll answer your questions. They are intended for guitarists, but the information is applicable to any instrument:
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Title : Piano Chords help please?
Description : Q. Does somebody know these chords or know where I can find them online? Thank you very much! Am9/G Am9b5/G D7/G Am/C E7/B D7/F# G/...