Q. is there an app or software that i can play a chord from my piano and it tells me what chord i just played
A. Not that I know of. I think it would be hard for a program to listen to a chord and analyze it. It would probably be easier for you to learn the sound of all the chords. Most of the chords are either major or minor, which gives you 24 possibilities.
Best Tutorial Software to learn piano chords.?
Q. Does anyone know of a software or tutorial to learn piano chords(specifically major & minor triads,major, minor & dominant 6ths, 7ths & 9ths). Thanks in advanced.
A. well the best software that is universally popular is rocket piano. There's a review of this below. However there could be other courses, so choose carefully.
Piano Chord's can't I learn piano chords and why do I get mad at myself for not being a pro. pianist?
Q. I am having a hard time learning chords for piano(chord fingering) I find that I can play piano by ear(not using both hands) but I am having a hard time memorizing all of those chords,I made a promise not to stop learning new things about piano and stuff,does anyone know an easier way to learn piano chords? I need to read all that you know.
A. I learned by ear, but when I struggled I used a free piano learning chord software I found online. Lot's of software is available for you to study with. Their purpose is to increase your piano mentality and make you better.
You can also check out other books on how to learn and try their methods. Chances are you might like others better.
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Title : piano chord software?
Description : Q. is there an app or software that i can play a chord from my piano and it tells me what chord i just played A. Not that I know of. I thi...