Q. im trying to find the names of these chords on a piano:
i found a site that tells you this, but you have to look for the name, then it tells you the notes.... i want to find the notes and get the name
A. To be more specific:
ACE = A minor
ACF = F Major, in "First Inversion" or "F Major 6"
GCE = C Major, in "2nd Inversion" or "C Major 6,4"
GBD = G Major
Just so we're clear, an inverted chord is a chord where a note other than the root is the lowest note that is played.
How do you find out the piano chord name of a piano chord you never played before?
Q. maybe u no a interweb site
A. I know a quick way to answer your question,
but it will require a small arts and crafts project on your part.
You need:
several sheets of cardboard or poster board
a pencil
a felt marker
a compass
a ruler
a protractor
a copper pin fastener
a pair of scissors.
Here's what you do:
1. With the compass, draw a circle on one sheet of cardboard or posterboard.
2. With the protractor and pencil, divide that circle into 12 slices of 30 degrees each.
3. With the scissors, cut the circle out.
4. With the felt marker, label those slices on the edge as C, G, d, A, E, B, F#, C#, Ab, Eb, Bb, F.
You have now finished making the Circle of Fifths.
5. Cut out another circle the same size as the Circle of Fifths.
Cut out peepholes for C, G, and E.
Draw an arrow pointing to the C.
With the felt marker, label this as "major."
6. Flip the major wheel over and try laying it on the Circle of Fifths.
You should be able to adjust it so that you see C, G, and Eb.
On this side also, draw an arrow pointing to the C.
Label this side "minor."
7. Make another wheel like the major wheel, only this time, cut another peephole for the Bb.
Again, draw an arrow pointing to the C.
Label this one "seventh."
8. For "diminished seventh," cut out peepholes for C, Eb, F#, and A, but don't draw any arrows.
This same chord can go all four ways.
9. For "augmented," the peepholes are at C, E, G#.
This chord can go all three ways.
To find a major chord, put the major wheel on top of the Circle of Fiths, fasten in the middle with the copper pin, and rotate.
Whatever the arrow is pointing to is the name of the major chord.
The same procedure serves for all the other chords.
For French sixths, the peepholes are at Ab, C, D, and F#.
For Italian sixths, the peepholes are at Ab, C, and F#.
For German sixths, you can use the wheel for sevenths.
But that's getting into advanced theory.
Does Anyone Know the Piano Chords to "Praise His Name"?
Q. Praise His Name by Sheri and Jeff Easter. I would very much appreciate it!!!
A. Which one? ... none are by Easter.
⢠Praise His Name Amerson, Steve BMG Songs, Inc./BMG Songs, Inc./
⢠Praise His Name Brown, Aaron\Zachary, J.J. Dayspring Music, LLC/Wordspring
⢠Praise His Name Gay, Robert Gay, Robert
⢠Praise His Name Croft, Dale Tennessee Music & Printing Compa
⢠Praise His Name Gabriel, Charles Hutchison Word Music, LLC
⢠Praise His Name Pearce, Becky\Pearce, Jimmy Jimmy Pearce Music
⢠Praise His Name Brooks, Michael Joste Publishing
⢠Praise His Name Tankard, Treva Harp and Lyre Music
⢠Praise His Name Stairs, Louise Lorenz Publishing Company
⢠Praise His Name Schmeltz, Vic Schmeltz, Vic
⢠Praise His Name Coleman, Charles James D. Vaughan, Music Publishers
⢠Praise His Name Parker, Brent Throne Room Music
⢠Praise His Name Dennien, Ben\Hickey, Michael Hannah Music Pty. Ltd.
⢠Praise His Name Kendzia, Tom spiritandsong.com
⢠Praise His Name Trapnell, Terry Deep Creek Music
⢠Praise His Name Haynes, Bruce\Hendrix, Lee Willow Branch Publishing/Yet To
⢠Praise His Name Johnson-Frow, Ben All Saints Worship
⢠Praise His Name Batza, Peter J. Quarter Note Music
⢠Praise His Name Prigge, Brenton Prigge, Brenton
⢠Praise His Name Nolte, Roy E. Lorenz Publishing Company
⢠Praise His Name Walter, Forrest G. Lorenz Publishing Company
⢠Praise His Name Wilson, Ira Bishop Public Domain
⢠Praise His Name Lee, Kenton Gospel Publishing House
⢠Praise His Name Blair, Nancy J. Lorenz Publishing Company
⢠Praise His Name Tata, Louis Tata, Louis
⢠Praise His Name Bunbury, Ryan Bunbury, Ryan
⢠Praise His Name Carr, Diane B. Carr, Diane B.
⢠Praise His Name Weir, Drew Weir, Drew
⢠Praise His Name Lanford, Kyle Lanford, Kyle
⢠Praise His Name Finch, Luke Song Solutions Daybreak
⢠Praise His Name Guerrero, Tony\Copeland, Alva Nickeldimeus Music/Unaffiliated
⢠Praise His Name Dye, Roxanne M. ABET International Music Group
⢠Praise His Name Kelso, Jerry Centergy Music
⢠Praise His Name Stamoolis, Joel Stamoolis, Joel
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