Q. i want to play "the scientist" by coldplay in a different key, because the key of f isn't suitable for my voice. how can i change the chords CDFA, DFBb, CFA, to those that match the key of C?? please help im desperate to figure out how i can play this song on piano and sing at the same time!
A. Key of F = Key of C
F = C
G = D
A = E
Bb = F
C = G
D = A
E = B
How do you lengthen your hand span?
Q. In one song I am playing on the piano there is a chord that is about 10 keys apart (An C and a E, left hand). My hand span is only about 9 keys. If possible, can I change it so I can hit the 10th key? And if not so, what can I do about that chord?
A. I have played piano for about 7 years and over time playing scales and streching my hands with other songs i have found that that helps, but it takes a long time. A lot of times guys have larger hand spans than girls so the song that you are trying to play was proably written by a guy my piano teacher says that when you can't reach them, either drop one of the lesser important notes for example if you are play e and c in the left hand and a and c in the right hang you could drop the bottom c. or just do them quickly in succession. Hopefully i helped you
What piano chords sound good with the key of A?
Q. I am working on the A scale and improvisation in this key. What chords can I add in the right hand to create a song?
A. A,D, F
I always thinks that gives my pieces a "jazzy" edge.
C and F sound good with A.
But it really depends on what kind of piece you are working on. Some chords may only sound good with one piece, so the options are varied. You should really just experiement until you find a few notes that sound nice with your music.
Best of luck! ;)
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Title : how do i convert the chords from the key of f to the key of c?
Description : Q. i want to play "the scientist" by coldplay in a different key, because the key of f isn't suitable for my voice. how can i...