Q. I am 14, turning 15 this coming April, and I want to learn how to play the piano. I have been playing the trumpet and guitar for 5 years now, so I am experienced in the art of music. I don't want to have to pay for lessons if I have to.
Is there a way that I can teach myself how to play the piano at my age? I want to learn how to play songs that require two hands like my friends do. I already own a piano, so that's covered. Please post a way that I can learn by myself how to play the piano. It could be a website (preferably), a book, etc. I want to learn as much as I can so I can just read piano music and I will be able to play it (after practice, of course).
I don't want to have to go to a place for lessons or get a teacher, just me teaching myself with whatever help you can offer. Thanks!
A. Sit down at your piano. Press GBD. That's a G major chord. Press FAC. That's an F major chord. Press CEG. That's a C major. DFA is D minor. EGB is E minor. ACE is a minor. BDF is a dimminished chord. It's a little different. AC#E is A major BD#F# is B major (BDF# is B minor). CD#G is C minor. DF#A is D major. EG#B is E major. FA#C is C minor. GB#D is G minor. Start with those chords. Just press them again and again. Gradually experiment with combining different notes. If something sounds crappy don't do it again. If it sounds great keep doing it. Watch different how to play this or that song on Youtube for practice. It takes time but if you know your basic chords it's a lot easier. You don't have to be able to read music to play it but if you want to learn to read music just ask your music teacher for whatever beginner piano books they can loan you. They're boring but if you press through them you will probably learn to read it. I personally cannot read music so I can't guarantee that though.
for Foreigner "cold as ice" on the piano,?
Q. what are the cords that are played with the left hand?
can you give me the cords in this form
1st:c#df (made up chord)
I mean right hand! But you can go on and post the left to.. just seperate them
A. Here you have the chords along with the lyrics (see first link below). I got that from a guitar tab website, so I'm not sure which hand it is (I'm a guitarist myself). Maybe the video in the second link can help you further...
chopsticks on the piano?
Q. I really want to impress my mom by learning the song "chopsticks" on the piano. I can't read music, but i know the abcdefg chords and where they are. Can you just tell me what those notes are for it. My mom already taught me the beginning where it goes: fgx6.... yeah. i don't need instructions or anything just tell me, for example: bagabbb...
I will be taking lessons soon and how to read music. So don't tell me I have to do that first because I already taught myself, Mary had a little lamb and twinkle twinkle little star
A. The first part of chopsticks is:
do two times:
fg - 6x's
eg - 6x's
db - 4x's
ea - 1x
cc - 3x's
The second part:
Play two times:
ce - 1x's
bd - 1x's
ac - 1x's
gb - 1x's
fa - 1x's
eg 4x's
fa - 1x's
eg - 1x's
df - 4x's
eg - 1x's
df - 1x's
ce -3x's
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Title : I want to learn to play piano?
Description : Q. I am 14, turning 15 this coming April, and I want to learn how to play the piano. I have been playing the trumpet and guitar for 5 years...