Q. I wanna write a song on piano, but I haven't really learned chords and stuff. I know a few chords but they don't sound like they go together to write a song. Could you guys give me some tips on writing songs?
A. I'm been composing for a LONG time so I can tell you where you need to start. I know exactly what your problem is and how to fix it. You need to practice remembering what chords are compatible to one another.
For example a D G (Bflat) chord is compatible with a G (Bflat) D chord.
Did you see how they contain the same notes but are arranged differently?
Look at a d minor scale:
D E F G A (Bflat) (Csharp) D
Any of those keys are acceptable for a d minor song. So if you used chords that are combinations of any of those keys, you can be 90% sure to be fail safe. That's a good place to start.
Now look at an a minor scale:
A B C D E F (Aflat) A
Play the following chords:
(A C E)
((Aflat) C E)
(F (A flat) C)
(E A C)
Those are all in the scale and you just created a tune to an a minor song
Recognizing what doesn't sound right is the beginning of learning what DOES sound right.
Experiment a little and find out what works what doesn't
Hope this helps
Are piano chords affected by key signature?
Q. I am learning piano chords. the A chord is A C#, and E. When the key signature is, for example, 3 flats (A B E), does that mean that the A chord is changed to A flat, C#, and E flat. If so, when Adim, then is chord now Aflat, C and D?
A. No, they are not affected. To use your example, an A major chord is A - C# - E and that is the case irrespective of key signature.
How do you convert piano chords into sheet music? Is there some sort of program you can use?
Q. I've played for 8 years, but I only know how to read sheet music, and I don't have time to learn to read chords before i play next. Please help??
A. You mean to say that you can't read chord symbols? Like G7 F#m Bb7(#9) etc?
You've been playing 8 years and you can't do that??!?! No offense, but what have you been learning? Getting by for 8 years without a basic understanding of how music is constructed... I just can't understand that. Do you even know how to play your major scales? If not, learn that... NOW! You're way behind.
If you can play your major scales, it's not that hard to understand how chords are made.
This is a chart of chord formulas I made. My first guitar teacher gave me something like this my second lesson, and it gave me a HUGE leg up on my peers. Actually understanding music is crucial to giving a moving performance. Otherwise what you're doing is no different than someone reading a poem in a language they don't speak.
If you play two octaves of any major scale, number each note on the way up (you really only need to go up to 13 though). Then, to play any type of chord, you just play the notes the formula says. SO a major chord is 1 3 5. In C, this would end up being the notes C E and G. Any combination of C E and G is a C major chord. Some of the chords have alterations to a specific note, for example, a dominant 7th chord is 1 3 5 b7. So you would take the normal 7th, and flat it. In C, this would result in C E G and Bb.
Get it? Good.
That chord chart should give you plenty to work with. Seriously though, playing for 8 years and you couldn't play an F7 if somebody asked? There's something wrong with that... I'm not saying that you've failed, but your teachers have definitely failed you.
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Title : How do you know what piano chords go together?
Description : Q. I wanna write a song on piano, but I haven't really learned chords and stuff. I know a few chords but they don't sound like they...