Q. im trying out for the church band and the paper they gave me a piece of paper with cords like B/D#
E2(no3) and F#sus. i am a very experienced player but i have never dealt with it before.
A. B/D# means just a regular D# with a B base, F#sus is F# suspended, meaning it's an F# chord, F# A# and E, but instead A# is B (if it's F#sus2) or a D (if it's F#sus4). i don't know what E2(no3) is though, I've never seen this before
how to improve sight-reading for guitar?
Q. i play guitar, and am really good at sightreading on piano, but suck at it on guitar. help? exercises? something?
A. Sight reading on the guitar is more difficult than on the piano for a couple of reasons.
#1 There are multiple versions of the same note on the guitar but only one of each on the piano. For example; there is only one place to play E2 on the piano but at least 5 places on the guitar to play the exact same note! Sheet music does not specify which note it is either!
#2 The guitar can play half way down into the bass clef and well above the treble clef, but we have to rely on ledger lines to help us find our way which can also be confusing to someone used to reading the grand staff.
There is only one way to overcome this and that is with practice. Fortunately for us guitar players most pieces of music also include the chord symbols. Indeed, most folios written for piano, guitar, vocals only have the basic melody line written out on the staff (the vocal part) with the guitar relying totally on chord symbols. You will find that this is pretty common for most styles of music except classical guitar. Classical is the one guitar style that relies totally on the staff and very rarely do you find interpretations that include chord symbols too.
I have played with many bands including jazz ensembles. Even in a full big band jazz setting my guitar parts would usually have a few bars of written sheet music (known as the "tag" or basic melody) which was often just doubling the horn parts and the rest of the piece would be chord symbols changing on every beat with slash marks to indicate the rhythm figures.
If your goal is to become a classical guitarist then you need to get with a good classical instructor who specializes in classical guitar only. If you wish to become adept at playing many styles than a teacher who can play in various styles would be best.
As I have stated, reading sheet music for guitar is a bit more challenging than for piano. Learning to read chord symbols and tabulature is by no means a cheat or a short cut. There are many aspects of a guitar performance that can only be accurately conveyed by using tab. The ability of guitarists to "comp" by simply reading basic chord charts makes it a great instrument to improvise and develop a unique interpretation of a piece of music.
As a pianist learning to play guitar I am sure that you can appreciate this old joke:
How do you get a pianist to shut up? Take away the sheet music!
How do you get a guitarist to shut up? Give 'em the sheet music!
Do any of you have idea's for song writing?
Q. I wanted to write a song about the death of my friend. I'm having trouble! Though im really into music ha. I Play the Piano so like i can play some chords on there whilst singing it. Anyway, can you guys help me out abit. Where do i start? What do you have to do with song writing. Any suggestions of how it should go? Thanks muchh!
A. I would suggest figuring out a melody first, then finding the right harmony to go with it.
Some "sad" sounding chords in my opinion:
E B E2 (2 meaning E of a higher octave than the 1st E)
A E A2
This depends also on the scale you are playing in though. These are all in C major.
A better way is not playing a chord with all 3 notes simultaneously, but to play each note subsequently. If you do that, add in these three set of notes:
and it will sound beautiful especially after playing E B E2, that is if you have melody going on.
Other things to consider:
Tempo Fast or slow?
Meter/Accents 4/4? 3/4? 6/8?
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Title : How do i convert overall tabs written on paper to sheet music for the piano?
Description : Q. im trying out for the church band and the paper they gave me a piece of paper with cords like B/D# E2(no3) and F#sus. i am a very exper...