Q. I am a big fan of Emilie Autumn and the harpsichord she uses in some of her songs. I just got a electronic key board that has a harpsichord function on it. I want to know are the order of the notes on a harpsichord keys the same as the order of the notes on a piano.
In simple terms; Are the notes on sheet music for a harpsichord the same notes for a piano.
A. The main difference between sheet music for pianos vs harpsichords is the ornaments. Ornaments are the symbols written above the clefts and denote trills, mordents, turns, arpeggios, ect. You can ignore them for a simplified version. The notes are written exactly the same both on the treble and bass cleft but harpsichord sheet music tends to have more ornaments and it is sometimes written entirely in whole notes with no bars! You can easily play both on either instrument when ignoring the symbols. You should also ignore the elitist/ rude responses from others. A handful of harpsichord affectionados tend to want to exclude & belittle newbies when they mention electronic harpsichords but don't let that discourage you. Most of them are wonderful. I hope you get the chance to try an acoustic harpsichord soon.
Is there a formula that translates guitar chords to piano keys?
Q. Im trying to find a way that can change guitar chords to piano keys or vice versa
A. No need for a formula. You can play a guitar chord on the piano as well. I'm assuming you don't know any music theory so this might sound dumb but here goes -
when you press a key on the piano, that is one NOTE
a CHORD is made up of two or more notes played at the same time.
So, for e.g. a C chord is made up of the notes C, E and G. so if you play these three notes on the piano, then you're playing a C chord. Similarly if you're playing these three notes on the guitar together then that's a C chord.
If you want to learn more, pick up a Music Theory for Dummies or any other basic book. It will explain the different notes and how chords are formed. I can give you formulas but it will confuse you because there are many different chords and each has a different 'formula'.
Just remember, a piano chord is same as a guitar chord. So if you want to find out how to play G chord on the piano, google for it.
How long should I ideally learn piano chords before moving onto a different key?
Q. I started on the C chords and now I have to learn the Sharps. I don't feel I'm ready to learn these yet until the C chords are sunk well and truly in, That said I don't want to be learning each one for months at a time. I get it, I have to practice but as a rule, how long each day would you suggest a beginner learn his chords for?
A. The only rule is learn the chords until you know them. It might help to remember this:
All major chords are constructed this way: first play the note that is the name of the chord, then go up 4 half-steps (counting all notes, black and white) and play that note, then go up 3 half-steps and play that note. You can actually play the notes in any order and it is still the same chord; whether you play C, E, and G, or E, G, and C, or G, C, and E, it is still C chord, but to find the notes of a particular chord, start this way.
It should not take long to remember what C chord is.
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Title : Are piano chords the same as harpsichord keys?
Description : Q. I am a big fan of Emilie Autumn and the harpsichord she uses in some of her songs. I just got a electronic key board that has a harpsich...