Q. How do i write guitar notes onto sheet music but with the notes, not the chord boxes?
like you would do on a piano but on guitar instead? I know all the notes on the frets eg C#, F but how do i write it onto sheet music cos i don't know whats middle C on guitar. Also can i convert it onto piano if i've written it on sheet music?
A. Machine Head's factual information is quite correct. The C on a guitar which is played on the 5th string at the 3rd fret is written as middle C, even though pitch-wise it is an octave below middle C.
However, his opinion on the utility of writing guitar music this way is way off. In fact, writing it this way serves to orient the guitar's range very nicely on the treble clef. In particular, classical or finger picking music works out nicely in that you've got the bass notes, normally plucked with the thumb, down at the bottom of the staff, and the melody, on the upper three strings, plucked with the first three fingers (non-thumbs), on the top of the staff, and the whole thing fits nicely on one staff. If you wrote it out in true pitch, you'd have to use two staffs, as with piano music, which would be vastly more cumbersome (on piano it at least makes sense to use two staves because you're using two hands to play two separate parts).
Yes, you have to use a lot of ledger lines if you move way up the neck and play the really high notes. But guess what, that's what you have to do on a violin, too. Big deal. Look at the violin part to the "Kreutzer" sonata, you've got ledger lines up to the stratosphere, but nobody complains that violin should be written differently.
What are the piano notes to Florence + The Machine's "What the Water Gave Me"?
Q. I'm truly in love with the song, and would like to know if anybody knows the notes to the song. I suck at reading music right now, but would like to try to play it.
A. Hi, sorry I don't know all the piano notes but the guitar tabs, basically piano chords should be almost right- just play the chords e.g. Em means e minor chord :)
Are there any stretching exercises for hands?
Q. I play the piano and I'm doing grade 7. In my exam I have to play double octaves, and it's getting hard to find songs that don't have lots of large chords in them at this level. My hands are small and I have trouble hitting octaves. Does anyone know of any exercises that can stretch my hands out so I can reach octaves easier?
A. i find i can stretch my hands only after i do my shoulder flexibility training. I think our nervous system all connects, so if you're inflexible or tight in one area, you'll be inflexible and tight in another. So first work on your shoulders until you feel the muscles in the hands. Flex all the muscles without any weights, and work them out-- subcapularus, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, tres minor, tres major, trapezius, latisimus dorsi, romboid, deltoid. You know you've worked out your shoulders, back, biceps, and triceps enough when you feel the muscles elongate. It's a really funny feeling, but it's feels almost as if you're arms are getting longer. Once those muscles have been stretched, then work on your pinky and your thumb. All your muscles have a pulling action, so if you make a fist, it's the muscles on the inside that are pulling your hand together to a closed position. When you open them it is the muscles on the back of the hand that are pulling them open. Knowing this, you can find some strengthening and flexing exercises for those weak fingers like the pinky, which will also help give the hand more support. You'll notice the shoulder, back, and forearm exercises along with the hand exercises will not only allow greater flexibility in the hands, but also greater coordination and control in your piano. after i first stretched out my upper body and played the piano, i felt like a precise robotic machine. It was incredible. Good luck !
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Title : How do i write guitar notes onto sheet music but with the notes, not the chord boxes?
Description : Q. How do i write guitar notes onto sheet music but with the notes, not the chord boxes? like you would do on a piano but on guitar instead...