Q. I don't know much theory at all and I'm close to an absolute beginner at Piano. Do I have to go through the motions with classical piano first?
A. classical music helps with the foundations of music
to play & understand jazz music-you need to know--All maj/min scales
pentatonic scales
diminished scales
chordal scales
All triads
6th chords
7th chords
9ths, 11ths, 13ths
altered chords
knowing the above--then you can learn to play jazz
How do cadences and triads work in piano?
Q. Apparently I need to end my triads (G, E, F, A flat and D flat major and minor) with something called a "cadence" (V-I) and I'm having a hard time figuring out how they work exactly. May I please have an example of one, or how they work?
A. First, a cadence is a sequence of chords; two basically. The V-I (5-1) cadence in Gmaj, for example, is Dmaj-Gmaj because D is the 5-triad (the "dominant") in G.
Draw or copy the "clock of fifths" so you can find V-I (5-1) pairs and (3-6) pairs quickly (that is, dominant-tonic pairs). Clockwise, lay out C at noon, G at one-o'clock, then around to six o'clock with D, A, E, B, F#.
From C counterclockwise now, label the hours 11, 10 etc with F, Bflat, Eflat, Aflat, Dflat, Gflat (at 6-o'clock along with F#). The clockwise neighbor of any triad or key name is its dominant triad or key. Memorize the clock of dominants so well that your dentist can see it engraved on your teeth.
For minor, the 3-6 cadence is the final cadence comparable to 5-1 in major. However, many pieces are in harmonic minor, where the dominant (the 3-triad) is major.
For example, Aflat minor's dominant is E-flat, but which? major or minor? The pure minor 3-6 cadence (parallel to 5-1 of major) is [Aflat minor - Dflat minor], but the harmonic minor [3maj-6] cadence is [Aflat major - Dflat minor].
Of course, you have to play through or read through the piece to see whether it's pure (natural) minor or harmonic minor.
Where do i start if i want to learn the basics about how to play piano?
Q. i really want to learn how to play piano, and become really good... but i have no idea where to start... i know how to play scales/ and the notes from playing percussion for awhile but thats it.
A. 1st know this. The right hand is the vocal melody and the left hand is what plays the chords so keep that in mind.
2nd once you figure out what the chord progression is and how to play the vocal melody, now you just have to experiment in making your own arrangements.
With the right hand you'll play the vocal melody and with the left hand you'd play the chords. How you choose to play the chords is up to you, you can use arpeggios, play them as octave chords or triads is up to you. But just remember, there are 3 notes per chord on the piano, any 4th or 5th note will most likely be a repetition of one of the first 3.
You wont have to always use the notes in the chord but you will have to most of the time. Other times you might be able to use other notes that are not from those used in the chord.
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Title : How can I learn to play Jazz piano? Do I have to start with classical?
Description : Q. I don't know much theory at all and I'm close to an absolute beginner at Piano. Do I have to go through the motions with classi...