Q. I just learned how to read piano music (I play the sax and its much different) and I just learned the basic notes, and I don't know any chords.
A. Try songs like
Mary Had A Little Lamb (e,d,c,d,e,e,e,d,d,d,e,g,g x2)
Hot Cross Buns (e,d,c,e,d,c,e,e,e,e,d,d,d,d,e,d,c!)
If thats too easy try...
Merrily we roll along
Clocks (coldplay!)
Use www.purelessons.com ! It is a great website that gives you easy video tutorials of basically any song like sung by an artist! I really reccommend it!
Hope that this helps!
Good Luck :P
Is it ok for me to master the piano using piano chords instead of the notes?
Q. im having a difficult time playing the piano by notes and i think its easier to use piano chords, what do you think?
A. I have known amazing piano players who can't read music. Or think about pianists such as Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles! What does that tell you? You don't need to be able to read notes to be a fantastic pianist.
But that being said. I think it's good to learn to read the notes too!
Here's a great resource for mastering piano chords:
Here's a great resource for learning notes on the piano: http://www.learn-treble-clef.info/
is it easier for you to read piano notes while playing or just memorize it and play?
Q. for me, i've never been able to read piano notes. i've had trouble reading them, and it's so much easier to just memorize a song. it takes a few practices but i can memorize a piece really quickly. ive been playing piano since i was 6 and i quit when i was 11 because all the past teachers i had couldnt understand that i cant read notes.
but then last year i learned that i have something rare - its called synesthesia and i have a mild form of it, and it affects my music playing. so recently i tried coloring in the notes on my sheet with the letters 'colors', like for example, the note A would be a violet red color, and then E would be a light sky blue color. and so on. so i had 7 different colors, just to help me read for the first time until i can memorize it.
a few days ago i went to my aunts house and she was playing the piano and i noticed that she played perfectly but only if she read the notes on the sheet. i was confused, because i thought it was so difficult reading the notes.
if you play the piano, is it easier for you to memorize the piece or just read off the notes?
and if you're like me, is this a good thing, or bad? ive been told a few times that its a 'rare gift' but i don't know how. but there is an advantage- i don't have to bring my music sheets everywhere, i can just play
oh wait, i CAN read notes, but my brain takes forever to process it...its really hard to explain how it works, but i know some notes on the top are F,A,C,E and then on the bottom its A,C,E,G (starting from the bottom). this may sound confusing to you if you are a normal person who can read them just fine.
oh and also, if you read them normally, is it as easy as reading the alphabet or a book?
A. I do a little of both: I try to memorize a piece as best as I can, but I usually keep it in front of me when I'm actually performing just in case I forget how a measure goes. I don't think it's really NECESSARY to learn how to read music, because there are a lot of musicians today that know things like basic chords without understanding the theory behind it, but it definitely helps to understand them. As for your last question, for me personally, I'm a music major, so reading notes on a staff has become second nature. But when I started my first semester as a music major, I was in the same boat as you are now: I knew some notes as the FACE/ACEG you mentioned, and I knew how long quarter notes were and everything, but it took me a long time to figure out the notes (like, the middle line of the treble clef I would start at the F and go alphabetically up until I got to the middle line's B). Now I can look at a note and immediately know what it is.
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Title : What are good piano songs for beginners?
Description : Q. I just learned how to read piano music (I play the sax and its much different) and I just learned the basic notes, and I don't know ...