Q. so im learning voice leading concepts for basically choral settings.. proper doublings = two roots a third and a fifth for 4 pt works, yada yada yada... but how do you write for larger settings, if you want big chords in a piano work you intend on writing for example, how would you go about doing that with proper voice leading and doublings?
A. 4 Part writing and composing for piano are two different things.
The most important thing when writing chords for the piano is balance and where are the notes going. Don't compose big chords unless there is a reason. Beethoven and Brahms would only stack notes if there was a reason musically to do so.
You cannot think of composing for piano in the way you do 4 parts. 4 Parts is a great way to start though. Its an excellent way to outline your harmonies. The best thing to do is have an understanding of counterpoint so you know where the melodies are going. As you experiment, you will find that the need for a big chord isn't as necessary.
For example - You are in the key of G and you begin with a melody note of D. What do you want your L.H. Chord tones to be. The R.H. can have chords as well but for the sake of argument lets just say it is a single melody note.
The L.H. chord could be G-B-G omitting the D. Why? well first you don't want to double the 5th, but it also helps to establish the tonic immediately. If you choose to add notes to the right hand you could play a tonic G triad in the R.H. voicing the D and in your left use a single low G. Reasoning is that you do not want to have too many notes sounding and having too many notes will cover up the melodic line.
With all writing, orchestral, keyboard, chamber - you can have delayed and transfer resolutions. There is no simple way to explain this. The best thing to do is to analyze all sorts of scores like orchestra and chamber music... etc. And see what others do. You can also take orchestration class which teaches one how to compose and arrange for large ensembles.
One extra thought - the previous poster said choirs prefer to sing small intervals... that is absolutely wrong. The general rule is soprano and bass line have free movement of intervals, as long as the lines do not cross the voices closest to them. Soprano (melodic) usually have large intervals to capture the climaxes and dramatic effects. The Bass tends to move in large intervals... moving I IV V I already has intervals of a fourth and a fifth.
Alto and Tenor tend to move with smaller intervals because of the voices surrounding them. They just don't have the space to based on 4 part writing to move with large intervals where as the soprano and bass can because they don't have another voice on top (soprano) or below (bass) to hinder the contrapuntal motion.
A good way to look at movement of voices for vocal music is to look at the work of Monteverdi and Brahms and see how these two guys treat 4 part writing.
What should I get for Christmas?
Q. Hi, my mum keeps asking me what I want for Xmas.
I'm 16 and you know when your at that age where you don't want anything, it's kind of frushstrating. I rarely play games, I like to play music i've got a studio but don't know how to record myself.I like piano and would maybe like to learn someday. I've been trying online but had no look. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
A. I know what you mean about the awkward age.
If you like piano you could ask for a keyboard to start of with and look at youtube videos online to try and play, and learn chords etc - thats how i started playing 2 years ago and next christmas im going to ask for a piano (just because my family are going through money troubles this year).
Ask for clothes - im a girl so clearly im going to ask for clothes but guys who ask for clothes for christmas show that they are stylish. If you like polo shirts then pick a few out and give them to your mum for christmas to wrap up (i do that because my mum doesnt know what kind of clothes i like).
If youre starting college then maybe you need a nice leather bag and shoes? Or get a laptop...
If you play sports then ask for some basketball shoes or something...
Get a nice bracelet if youre the type of guy who wears bracelets - just thread ones in black or brown - kind of skaterish but loads of my guy friends wear them.
Ask for a new ipod / iphone 3G if you like listening to music, or if you are in need of a new phone.
You could just get vouchers for your favourite shops.
Get one or two CD's, one or two video games but make sure you tell them not many so they dont go overboard with buying loads.
Maybe if you like games and just dont play on them because you dont like any, you could get something like guitar hero 5? It just came out in september, i dont personally have it but i like guitar hero 3 which i have, and you said you like music so its 2 in 1 kind of.
If you dont like your room then you could ask for paint to paint it (but get it done before christmas) or ask for a rug, a new duvet, new posters. Yes, im being serious, i had my room completely redone in september and its part of my christmas present in a way because the extra little things cost £200 with all of the decorations etc.
I always get my brother something small because we never have too much money, so he does the same. I usually go to topshop for him and get him some christmas socks/boxers or a tie? You probably wont want a tie though XD
Erm ask for an alarm clock or silly little things that youve been asking for ages and never get around to buying it - or a funky watch!
Ask for nice cologne - go around debenhams or something and just try on cologne and decide on a few which you like, then ask for them.
If you like music, maybe there is a band you would like to see with youre friends? Ask for a ticket to it, but ask your mum to arrange with their other parents to give your friends one too. Or you could buy them initially with your friends, and tell your mum to give you it back as a present so its not your money :)
Ask for money!
If you drink then you could ask for a few cans to gradually have throughout the month... i do that for my brother who is 17 going 18 this christmas. He doesnt drink much so he has 1 every few nights, or when his friends are around.
Ask for chocolate?
Im running out of ideas now, as you can tell, because i have just suggested a 16 year old guy to get chocolate for christmas
okay ill stop now.
happy christmas soon.
where can i find free piano chords?
Q. i cant read music notes so i need just the chords like C# B A....and so on
any help will be much appreiciated :)
thanks x
A. Some sites that I use are:
You could download a chord chart from here:
Any of these will work
Hope they help
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Title : What are the part-writing guidelines for more than 4 part settings?
Description : Q. so im learning voice leading concepts for basically choral settings.. proper doublings = two roots a third and a fifth for 4 pt works, y...