Q. can you learn how to play the piano without the help of piano teacher...Only (how to play the piano) piano books?
Do those books even exists? (i don't recall seeing any)
A. many of us keyboardist, especially the GOOD ONES, are self taught. It's good to get the fundamentals from a good teacher... but teaching piano (I've done it) is a lot like teaching swimming.
The best way to learn is to GET IN THE WATER and SPLASH AROUND. Reading a book is helpful, but not as helpful as "doing it".
Also... it doesn't matter HOW GOOD your teacher is you can still drown!
I would read theory... and learn how to build chords.
A "C major chord" is comprised of C, E & G
A "C7" - C, E, G and Bb.
A good combination of chords are 1, 6m, 4 and 5-7
SO G major, Em, C and D7 - in the key of G.
Find a song you like and try to hear the ROOT of the chord.
Then try to identify the chords.
The Blond Haired gal on IDOL - said she HASN'T had a paino lesson in her life... and look how good she is!
Can someone help me understand tritones on the piano?
Q. I know you use tritones or fill in chords in between the original chord progression but how do you know which tritone or fill in chord to use in that key or chord progression? And how do I play the right tritone for a passing chord or any chord for that matter?
A. if you're looking to add more passing chords between the original changes of a piece, there are lots of ways of going about it. adding a secondary dominant chord or a secondary II V are popular method.
let's say the original progression is a bar each of Cmaj7 Fmaj7 G7, for extra passing chords, one could add secondary dominant chords (Cmaj7 C7 Fmaj7 D7 G7) or secondary II V progressions (Cmaj7 Gmi7 C7 Fmaj7 Ami7 D7 G7) but the real dictating factor in what you can get away with is whether the melody works over the new chords though, one can add extensions/augmentations to chords to help the melody fit. A tritone substitution is another popular way to alter progressions. wherever there is a dominant chord a tritone substition can be made, assuming the melody can be accomodated. the most important two notes in a dominant chord (aka the V chord) are the 3rd and 7th (in G7, B and F) because they move by semitone (considered a strong resolution) to the 3rd and 1st of the Key Centre. if you use the dominant chord a tritone away, you maintain those strong semitone resolutions, except the bass movement is now also a semitone resolution. In C Major, the V chord (G7) can be substituted with Db7, because it also has F and B as it's 3rd and 7th and the Db resolving to C adds and extra bit of chromatic resolution which can be tasty in the right circumstances. The Berklee Press Makes some great books about this stuff, there is really an endless amount of ways to reharmonize in, it's an exciting topic to delve into and to hear well executed.
I can play the melody by ear, but I don't how to accompany the left hand with the right hand?
Q. I have played piano for eight years, can read music, and basically if you give me any song, I can play the melody right back at you, but the left hand...I am not sure what to do with it. I heard learning harmony or taking a music theory class might help. What techniques? Any advices?
A. That is fantastic if you can work out melodies by ear. If you can do that, putting harmony into the song is just a snap. All you need is for someone to hand you the keys to unlock the "door". I hope I can be that one. OK. See if you can digest the below:
As for good place to start, use Chord I, IV and V7 = C, F and G7 in c key. On the guitar, it would be better to start of G, C and D7.
Each chord has different character which you need to recognize - much like how you recognize faces (by eyes); only this time, your ear must do the detecting.
If you pay attention enough, you will notice that Chord IV is getting stronger compared to Chord I. Chord V7 gives you the "unfinished" and also seems to be "getting smaller, softer, weaker, going in" feeling; and Chord I gives you the "Settled, Finished" feeling. Test it out and see. Using these feelings, you can practically listen to a song and knows what goes where without even writing in down or testing it out. You just know! Just like recognizing faces, you just have to try it out often in many songs.
Just a warning: It may come to you immediately or sometimes, nothing at all. For a while, it might seem like it is not coming to you or you are not getting it. Just persist. Suddenly, like a bell hammer, it will "slam" on you and you will be suddenly enlightened!
There are more but I will have to leave you to test this principle out first before you try out the rest.
Check me out at tuition.playbyear.com.my
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Title : Can you teach yourself how to play the piano without a teacher?
Description : Q. can you learn how to play the piano without the help of piano teacher...Only (how to play the piano) piano books? Do those books even ex...