Q. i cant read music notes so i need just the chords like C# B A....and so on
any help will be much appreiciated :)
thanks x
A. Some sites that I use are:
You could download a chord chart from here:
Any of these will work
Hope they help
Help with piano chord?
Q. I have two different chords written into my piano music. Jazz, to clarify. What is the difference between a F6 and a F-6?
A. The first poster is correct.
F6 == F A C D
F-6 == F Ab C D
The only time you'll see lowercase used to indicate minor is in theoretical analysis; i.e. in a music theory book. Never written that way in standard musical notation; i.e. nobody uses lowercase at all to name chord roots in chord charts.
What is a 7th chord?
Q. Not sure which kind of 7th it is, in my jazz music it says "C7". It is the solo section in "Basically Blues", the first measure, and I have know idea what to do! there are other chords in there and I can learn them if i knew what they were, like "Bmi7" or "G6". This is a really cool piece, and I can't wait to see how it turns out!
A. Another poster said it well when he called C7 a dominant chord. Since dominant chords and their scales occur naturally off the fifth scale tone of a major scale, C7 is the dominant of F, so the primary scale choice is a C scale which uses the notes from F major (including the Bb, which is the seventh of the root, C).
Philip U, I'll recommend using the chord syllabus to the foreword of the New Real Books; in it every conceivable chord is shown- including advanced notions like 9ths, 11th, 13ths, and even slash chords (sometimes used as an abbreviation for a 9sus chord). Almost all the examples use C as a root, so you would need to move patterns to the root shown in the chart. If at all possible, use a piano or even small keyboard (yes, even a Casio or other home portable will do, but be sure to transpose appropriately for your instrument) to develop your sense of intervals in both a visual and listening sense. For now, here are the spellings of the three examples you cited:
C7: C E G Bb
Bmi7 B D F# A (scale could be related to A, G, or D major - depends on other chords around it and/or the melody, if any)
G6 G B D E (could be related to G or D major- it's D major if any melody note is a C# instead of a C).
I hope I've been helpful; happy improvising to you!
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Title : where can i find free piano chords?
Description : Q. i cant read music notes so i need just the chords like C# B A....and so on any help will be much appreiciated :) thanks x A. Some sites...