Q. I am writing a chord progression which starts off:
Eb - Ab - Bb - ?
I need a 4th chord which will sound right with those other chords.
I don't mind if you change the progression around if you think it sounds better.
A. Try
Eb - Ab - Bb - Bb/D
Eb - Ab - Bb - Bb7
Eb - Ab - Cm - Bb
Eb - Ab - Fm - Bb
Eb - Gm - Ab - Bb
Eb - Ab - Bbsus4 - Bb
Eb - Bb - Cm - Ab
Eb - Bb - Fm - Ab
How do you read piano chords?
Q. I want to learn how to play a song but I don't know how to read what it means. Here's what it has.
Verse: Eb Bb Ab . Eb Bb/D Cm Ab x4
Bridge: Fm Eb/G Ab Bb x3 Ab Eb/G Bb x2
Chorus: Eb Gm Cm Ab Eb Bbsus4/D Cm Ab
Eb Gm Cm Ab Eb Bbsus4 Cm Ab
Eb (link: Bb Abadd9 . Eb Bb/D Cm Ab)
I looked up each chord but they have so many different ones like major, major 7th, minor, and minor 7th. Idk which one it is. Please help, thanks!
A. If it's just a single note name, like C, Eb, G, or F#, then it's a major chord.
Watch these videos I made and they'll answer your questions. They are intended for guitarists, but the information is applicable to any instrument:
What are the ALL of the piano chords?
Q. Basicly:
C = ...
Cm = ...
C# = ...
Cb = ...
Same with D, E, F, G, A, B keys.
A. So just apply these to ALL 12 notes A-G, with flat/or sharp or whatever. I'll give an example of the chord in C for each one too:
Major (C)
minor (Cm)
augmented (5 is sharp)
Half-diminished (5 and 3 are flat)
Fully diminished (5 is double flat, 3 is flat)
Also for all of the above chords, you can say 2,7,9 etc. on them which means you have to also play the 2nd, 7th, or 9th note in that scale (ex C7 is CEGBb, C7major is CEGBnatural, C2 is CDG, etc.)
There are more but those are the basics. Good luck!
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Title : Piano Chord Progression help?
Description : Q. I am writing a chord progression which starts off: Eb - Ab - Bb - ? I need a 4th chord which will sound right with those other chords. I...