Q. I really want to impress my mom by learning the song "chopsticks" on the piano. I can't read music, but i know the abcdefg chords and where they are. Can you just tell me what those notes are for it. My mom already taught me the beginning where it goes: fgx6.... yeah. i don't need instructions or anything just tell me, for example: bagabbb...
I will be taking lessons soon and how to read music. So don't tell me I have to do that first because I already taught myself, Mary had a little lamb and twinkle twinkle little star
A. The first part of chopsticks is:
do two times:
fg - 6x's
eg - 6x's
db - 4x's
ea - 1x
cc - 3x's
The second part:
Play two times:
ce - 1x's
bd - 1x's
ac - 1x's
gb - 1x's
fa - 1x's
eg 4x's
fa - 1x's
eg - 1x's
df - 4x's
eg - 1x's
df - 1x's
ce -3x's
Pop song writing help?
Q. Can someone either give me a basic chord progression/ melody for piano or give me any tips?
A. Most pop songs contain the chords of C major (CEG) G major (GBD) and D major (DF#A). These are pretty much the basis for anything you hear in the charts. Tips wise, make a mind map including mood, instruments, structure and influences. This can often start you thinking and get your creativity flowing. Also, spend 15 minutes just messing around on your piano and that is the golden time when you come up with all your ideas.
Good Luck :)
which keys are which piano keys correspondingly?
Q. i have been "playing piano" for some time now...i add quotes to that because i just hit the keys someone tells me to without actually knowing what im doing XD so , which keys correspond to which chords?? is there a site i can go to or a book i can buy? Thanks!
A. So from C, the notes go like this: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, and then C again and the sequence starts over. The chords for each of these are as follows: C=CEG, D=DF#A, E=EG#A, F=FAC, G=GBD, A=AC#E, B=BC#E, and then C chord again and the chordal sequence starts again. Hope I helped :D
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Title : chopsticks on the piano?
Description : Q. I really want to impress my mom by learning the song "chopsticks" on the piano. I can't read music, but i know the abcdefg...