Q. For the piano what are the notes and chords to maroon 5's payphone?
A. Notes & Chords are: Generic music/bland music
Playing chords in a piano cover for a sung melody?
Q. I've been looking at piano covers of certain songs on YouTube and one thing I've noticed is that when someone plays a sung melody, many times he will play two or three notes (I think as a chord?) instead of just one.
Why is that? Why doesn't the cover artist just play the one note that the singer sings?
Specifically in this video (Payphone by Maroon 5) at about 40 seconds:
And this video (Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen) a couple seconds in:
A. Because that's how the piano is played.
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Title : Notes and chords to Payphone?
Description : Q. For the piano what are the notes and chords to maroon 5's payphone? A. Notes & Chords are: Generic music/bland music Original Q...